catamphetamine / universal-webpack

Isomorphic Webpack: both on client and server

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Webpack-chunks written to root dir

0xR opened this issue · comments

I followed the instructions from the readme and I get this error:
Unhandled rejection Error: EACCES: permission denied, open '/webpack-chunks.json'

I am running webpack-dev-server --config webpack.client.config.js. It turns out that webpack_config.output.path get overwritten to /.


const clientConfig = client_configuration(configuration, settings);
console.log('client config', clientConfig.output.path);

export default clientConfig;


function chunk_info_file_path(webpack_configuration) {
  console.log('chunk location', webpack_configuration.output.path)


client config /home/myproject/dist/public
chunk location /

When I run webpack --config webpack.client.config.js I have no issue.

Is this error thrown during webpack development build?
Post your webpack development configuration then.

Ok, so you get this error when running just the single webpack-dev-server --config ... command but this error is not present when you run just the single webpack --config ... command.
That's an unexpected behaviour.
You can share a project so that I could reproduce and possibly fix the issue.

Or maybe I can do it without a sample project.
This bug could mean that webpack-dev-server alters the configuration after it is run.
What I could do is simply clone the configuration here:
I'll try it and release a new version.

Try universal-webpack@0.1.13

That fixed it! Thanks for your great support!