catamphetamine / universal-webpack

Isomorphic Webpack: both on client and server

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

webpack-chunk.json style empty

maiopirata opened this issue · comments

This library is really useful. So I would like to thank you first.

I do not understand why when I run your project in dev, the webpack-chunk.json produced does not have the style name:


How can the page-server know which file to use?

If the styles is empty that means ExtractTextPlugin is not used and that's the case for development mode.
The page-server won't insert any <link/> to a style in that case.
The programmer can add styles manually in this case. For example, through require()ing them and inserting them to the <head><style/></head> tag.

I do it like this in the example project

        // this CSS will be inserted into server rendered webpage <head/> <style/> tag 
        // (when in development mode only - removes rendering flicker)
        style: () =>
            // clear require() cache for hot reload in development mode
            if (_development_)
                delete require.cache[require.resolve('../../assets/styles/style.scss')]

            // The `.source[0][1]` in the end is caused by `fake-style-loader`.
            return require('../../assets/styles/style.scss').source[0][1]

If you happen to find a better solution then you can share it in this issue.

I think that it is a good solution.
I try to introduce the Extract Text plugin in dev to see if it properly exported in the chunk files.

Usually for my personal project I prefer to work as you do: 1 single main css file with a 'human' name and some inline style attached to presentational components.
Unfortunately when I work in an organization I have to adapt..
I will write you my thoughts...

Ok I'm lost now..
I tried to run the production build..
The library create all the assets in my output folder. This part seems right..
the chunk files contains all the informations...

Now in my server.js file I respond with an html:

function renderFullPage(html, preloadedState) {
    return `
      <!doctype html>
          <meta charSet="utf-8" />
          <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1.0" />
          <link rel="stylesheet" href=${cssFile} />
          <link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
          <div id="app">${html}</div>

          <!--[if !(IE 8)]><!-->
            <script src=${jsFile}></script>

            window.__PRELOADED_STATE__ = ${JSON.stringify(preloadedState)}

Now when I load the page the browser go searching the js and css files at the correct location
localhost:3000/build/file1 file2
'build' is the output.publicPath set in the webpack.config.js

In any case the browser cannot retrieve the files. Like if the output.publicPath is not linked to the output.path...

I have to say that I'm not using your library for the isomorphic render.. Do you know why this could happen?

ok the problem is that I didn't setup a different server to run the static assets, and the express static path was not configured properly.
The library is working!

FYI, I've just updated this library with a way of populating the styles object in development mode.

That's great.
Thank you!