catamphetamine / universal-webpack

Isomorphic Webpack: both on client and server

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

webpack-chunks.json not found

omar-bibliocommons opened this issue · comments

I've tried upgrading my webpack build from webpack-iso-morphic-tools to universal webpack and I keep getting the following error:

Hash: 70b8ea0e4d2a22b32769 Version: webpack 4.28.3 Time: 19265ms Built at: 03/20/2019 9:34:13 AM Asset Size Chunks Chunk Names server.js 4.22 MiB server [emitted] server 2.49 MiB server [emitted] server Entrypoint server = server.js [./server/index.js] 5.46 KiB {server} [built] [./server/main.js] 7.56 KiB {server} [built] [./server/middlewares/coreStyles.js] 1.52 KiB {server} [built] [./server/middlewares/detectDomain.js] 1.99 KiB {server} [built] [./server/middlewares/detectLocalBranchByIp.js] 2.9 KiB {server} [built] [./server/middlewares/detectLocale.js] 2.05 KiB {server} [built] [./server/middlewares/detectWidgetApp.js] 1.71 KiB {server} [built] [config] external "config" 42 bytes {server} [built] [debug] external "debug" 42 bytes {server} [built] [fs] external "fs" 42 bytes {server} [built] [http] external "http" 42 bytes {server} [built] [intl] external "intl" 42 bytes {server} [built] [newrelic] external "newrelic" 42 bytes {server} [built] [path] external "path" 42 bytes {server} [built] [react-hot-loader] external "react-hot-loader" 42 bytes {server} [built] + 1116 hidden modules ("~/my-webpack-app/build/webpack-chunks.json" not found) (waiting for the file to be generated; e.g. as a result of a Webpack build) ("~/my-webpack-app/build/webpack-chunks.json" not found) (waiting for the file to be generated; e.g. as a result of a Webpack build) ("~/my-webpack-app/build/webpack-chunks.json" not found)

I've looked at your documentation and googled for similar issues but I'm not sure how to get the webpack-chunks.json file to be generated.

I was able to locate where my wepback-chunks.json was being outputted to. I modified my configuration.output path to point to ./build and now I've gotten pass this step.