catamphetamine / javascript-time-ago

International highly customizable relative date/time formatting

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Mongoose timastamps not supported

oussamabouchikhi opened this issue · comments

I am trying to format timastamps using Mongoose createdAt field and I get an error.
I am using React and I wrote the following code

import TimeAgo from 'javascript-time-ago'
import fr from 'javascript-time-ago/locale/fr'
const timeAgo = new TimeAgo('fr-FR');
<span className="block text-xs text-right">{timeAgo.format(message.createdAt)}</span>

Then I get this error
Error: Unsupported relative time formatter input: string, 2021-06-17T09:44:51.703Z

Well, you're passing a String.
Pass something like new Date(message.createdAt).