Find all subjects sorted by subject select subject from subjects order by subject;
Find all subjects sorted by location select subject from subjects order by location;
Find the book "Little Women" select * from books where title in ('Little Women’);
Find all books containing the word "Python" select * from books where title ilike '%Python%’;
Find all subjects with the location "Main St" sort them by subject select subject from subjects where location='Main St' order by subject;
Find all books about Computers list ONLY book title select title from subjects s join books b on b.subject_id= s.id where subject ='Computers’;
Find all books and display ONLY
Book title
Author's first name
Author's last name
Book subject
select b.title, a.first_name, a.last_name, s.subject from books b join subjects s on b.subject_id = s.id join authors a on a.id = b.author_id;
Find all books that are listed in the stock table
Sort them by retail price (most expensive first)
Display ONLY: title and price
select books.title, stock.retail from stock join editions on editions.isbn = stock.isbn join books on editions.book_id = books.id order by stock.retail desc;
Find the book "Dune" and display ONLY
Book title
ISBN number
Publisher name
Retail price
select b.title, e.isbn, p.name, s.retail from books b join editions e on b.id = e.book_id join stock s on s.isbn = e.isbn join publishers p on p.id = e.publisher_id where b.title = 'Dune';
Find all shipments sorted by ship date display ONLY:
Customer first name
Customer last name
ship date
book title
select c.first_name, c.last_name, s.ship_date, b.title from books b join editions e on b.id = e.book_id join shipments s on s.isbn = e.isbn join customers c on c.id = s.customer_id order by s.ship_date;
##Grouping and Counting
- Get the COUNT of all books select count(*) from books;
Get the COUNT of all Locations select count(location) from subjects;
Get the COUNT of each unique location in the subjects table. Display the count and the location name. (hint: requires GROUP BY). select location, count(location) from subjects group by location;
List all books. Display the book_id, title, and a count of how many editions each book has. (hint: requires GROUP BY and JOIN) select b.id, b.title, count(e.edition) from books b join editions e on e.book_id = b.id group by b.id;
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