casid / jusecase

Java framework for a usecase centric architecture as proposed by Robert C. Martin and others.

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tests-jar missing since 1.2.0.

codejanovic opened this issue · comments

It seems like the tests jar has not been deployed to maven central since version 1.2.0.

Oh yes, it looks like I moved them into separate projects, since I hit limitations with the test-jar with JUnit 4 and 5 support (dfe3fb1).

Should be all here, although I haven't done a maven relaease of them yet. Probably because I ended up with individual test setups in my projects. Aka copying what I needed and adding the convencience methods I wanted to have for the particular project.

If needed, I can do a maven central release of all three after the weekend!

A release is much appreciated, thanks Andi! 🤣👍

All three should now be available on maven central, I've also updated the documentation which was a bit out of date :-)


Should now work instead of the test-jar dependency.