carter-yagemann / barnum-learner

The machine learning part of Barnum.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Barnum-Learner uses traces collected by Barnum-Tracer to detect program anomalies. Together, these two parts form Barnum: an end-to-end system for program control-flow anomaly detection.

This system determines if traces of a target program are anomalous using a two-layer classification.

In the first layer, a deep learning model is given nominal traces to learn the normal control-flow of the program. Its learning task is to, given a sequence of basic blocks, determine what the next basic block should be. The intuition here is that when the program is behaving normally, this model should be able to predict the paths well. On the other hand, if the program starts acting abnormally (potentially due to an exploit), the model should perform poorly.

This is where the second layer comes in. It calculates the first layer's performance and chooses thresholds to make a final decision about if a trace is anomalous.


This project is compatible with Python 2 and 3 on most Linux systems (e.g. Debian).

First, install a backend engine for Keras (e.g., Tensorflow). See the Keras documentation for more details. Then install the requirements:

pip install -r requirements.txt

This project also requires a modified version of ptxed, which can be found in the ptxed directory of this repo. First, you'll need libxed-dev. You can download it from your package manager or compile it from the repo. After that, build ptxed:

mkdir ptxed/build
cd ptxed/build
cmake ..
# Modify CMakeCache.txt so PTXED:BOOL=ON
# Add ptxed/build/bin to your PATH


See ./ --help, ./ --help, and ./ --help for options and usage. is the first layer of the model. It has three phases: training, testing, and evaluation. Training trains the model on nominal traces and testing reports how well the model can predict the paths of new unseen nominal traces. Finally, evaluation records the model's (mis)predictions on unseen nominal and anomalous traces. takes the output from the evaluation phase and calculates thresholds for detecting anomalies. It reports the final results in terms of error rates and produces a graph for visualization. also takes the output from the previously mentioned evaluation phase and clusters anomalies. The current approach is based on DBSCAN, so it does not need to know the number of clusters in advance. The results are likely to be different than the labels produced by AV companies since Barnum's approach is focused entirely on control-flow behavior. For example, samples from the pdfka and pidief families can use the same exploit, causing them to end up in the same cluster. See the 2009 DIMVA paper "Scalable, Behavior-Based Malware Clustering" for more discussion on this philosophical topic.

Step-by-Step for Beginners

Let's assume you just finished running Tracer so ~/barnum-tracer/traces is full of benign and malicious traces.

First, let's preprocess these traces so later steps don't have to do it on-the-fly:

cd ~/barnum-tracer/traces
find -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d | xargs -P `nproc` -n 1 -I {} \
    ~/barnum-learner/ -t 1800 -p {} ../extract/
# -t is a timeout, which is good to set just in case ptxed gets stuck.
# -p deletes the parsed trace if the timeout was triggered. In general,
# never train on partially processed traces.

Assume we have 100 benign and 100 malicious traces. Now we'll split our dataset, train a model, test its path accuracy, and then classify the testing set:

cd ~/barnum-learner
./ -p --train-size=50 --test-size-benign=50 --test-size-malicious=100 \
    -o ../my-set.txt --save-model=../model.json --save-weights=../weights.h5 \
     --eval-dir=../eval ../barnum-tracer/traces
# We use -p because we already preprocessed the traces.
# Samples are split randomly between training and testing, use -o to save the sets.
# It's a good idea to always save your model and weights for future use!

The test accuracy reported in the logging is just how well the model learned benign paths. Let's classify our test traces and see how well our model detects anomalies:

cd ~/barnum-learner
./ -s ../class.bin ../eval
# -s saves the threshold so we can reuse it in the future.
# The last parameter is always the --eval-dir from

Assuming you provided enough good data, you should (hopefully) get good numbers.

Useful features

This section highlights some features that are useful in specific senarios.


The -l flag allows you to set the logging level so you can dial how much information is printed to the screen. By default, level 20 is used, which includes info, warning, error, and critial. See usage for more info.


No one likes losing their model if a bug occurs during training. You can configure this system to periodically save the current weights for the model every couple of minutes like so:

./ --save-model=model.json --save-weights=weights.h5 --checkpoint=5 [... other args ...]

Additionally, the --checkpoint-best option can be used to avoid backing up weights with more loss than the previous backup and --checkpoint-early-stop will stop training if the loss at the current checkpoint is worse than the previous. The latter is very useful when you have so much data that the model converges before completing an epoch. This is surprisingly easy to encounter with this system.

Skipping training, testing, or evaluation

Somtimes you might only want to train and save the model because you're going to run multiple evaluations with different parameters. This can be accomplished like so:

./ --save-model=model.json --save-weights=weights.h5 --skip-test --skip-eval [... other args ...]

You can then run your testing and/or evaluation without needing to retrain:

./ --use-model=model.json --use-weights=weights.h5 [... other args ...]


If you're using a GPU enabled framework, adjusting the batch size (-b) can significantly improve performance. There's also the --multi-gpu option in if your system has multiple GPUs.

Also see --use-cudnn. This implementation only works on GPUs and Tensorflow, but in practice can reduce training time in half.


For the adventurous who care more about speed than stability, here's the current status and rough setup notes for using PyPy:

# Tested Version: PyPy 6.0.0 (Python 3.5.4)
#  Tested Distro: Debian Stretch
#         Status: (300% speedup), (11% speedup), (incompatible)

sudo apt install libhdf5-dev libblas-dev liblapack-dev
virtualenv -p pypy/bin/pypy ~/.virtenv/barnum
source ~/.virtenv/barnum/bin/activate
pip install cython numpy==1.15.4 h5py matplotlib scikit-learn pypng Keras

Reusing Previous Sets

By default, the system will randomly pick traces to create the training, test, and evaluation sets. However, sometimes it's useful to reuse the sets picked in a previous session (i.e., to compare different model settings). The selected sets can be saved using the -o flag:

./ -o sets/my_sets.txt [... other args ...]

And reused in future sessions using the -i flag:

./ -i sets/my_sets.txt [... other args ...]

Note that even when using -i, you must still provide the system with the correct root PT directory argument. Directories listed in the save file that are outside the provided root PT directory will be skipped.


By default, the system will read in raw traces directly and preprocess them on-the-fly before feeding them into the LSTM model for learning. This is the most efficient way to handle the traces in terms of storage space, but requires more CPU usage and more dependencies like ptxed.

Alternatively, can be used to (as the name suggests) read raw traces and save preprocessed versions to storage. Using the -p flag in will cause the system to only use samples where a preprocessed version of the trace is available. Note that the computer performing the preprocessing will still need ptxed, but once preprocessed, only Keras is needed to use the traces for learning.

Although preprocessed traces are larger than raw ones, the lack of dependence on external software makes them better suited for shared cluster computing or for situations where preprocessing is the bottleneck for performance.

Multi-GPU Mode

Multiple GPUs can be used by setting the --multi-gpu option to the desired number. At the time of writing, Keras does not recommend going above 8. By default, Keras picks the first "n" GPUs on the system. For finer control over GPU choice, use the CUDA_​VISIBLE_​DEVICES environment variable.

When multi-GPU mode is combined with the save model and weights options, two additional files will be written ending in .single. These files can be used outside of multi-GPU mode whereas the normal output files are only compatible with the provided value to --multi-gpu.

For example, if you train and save a model and weights using --multi-gpu=4, you will get two sets of files. The model and weights ending in .single will work in future sessions where --multi-gpu is not set. The other set of files only work when --multi-gpu=4.

Switching between multi-GPU settings (e.g. training with 2 and evaluating with 4) is not currently supported. Using multiple GPUs outside of training does not seem to boost performance significantly.


The following is a basic outline of how the code is organized to help developers get started. The main files are,, and

The reader's job is to handle scanning the filesystem for samples and parsing PT traces and memory layouts. This is the lowest level code in the project.

The generator's job is to synchronize multiple readers (for performance) and group their results into sequences (more generally referred to as "samples" in the ML literature). The generator can be thought of as the glue between the learner and reader(s).

Finally, the LSTM is the learning model for this system (obviously). handles building the model, batching the sequences created by the generator, training, testing, and evaluation. This is the highest level part of the code and is where the actual machine learning occurs.

Also worth mentioning is, which provides a unified logging interface that is multi-process safe. The logger can be configured at runtime to filter logging to different levels (e.g., only info and above verses debugging).

Metrics and Visualizations

In addition to the main system code, there are some additional scripts for calculating and visualizing various metrics:

  • Takes a trace and counts the number of unique targets for each source and creates a distribution (i.e., number of sources with 1 unique target, with 2 unique targets, etc.).

  • Takes a saved sets file and counts the number of cumulatively unique sequences over all the benign traces. In other words, it counts the number of unique sequences in the first trace, then the number of unique sequences in the second trace that are not in the first trace, then the number of unique sequences in the third trace that is in neither the first or second traces, and so forth. This is useful for approximating your "learning curve" to find the point where adding more traces yields little added value.

  • Takes an evaluation gzip file and creates a visualization. By default, the resulting pixels will be white for correct predictions and black otherwise. Using the color option will produce pixels based on the BBIDs in the trace. MD5 is locality insensitive, making it useful for spotting control flow patterns, whereas adler32 is locality sensitive, which is useful for seeing jump distances.

There are also two alternative learners used in the paper for comparison. Both take the place of the first layer in this system:

  • A simple "rote learner".

  • An API-based model that uses Cuckoo reports.

Improving Results

Consult for tips and tricks on how to get the best possible results.


The machine learning part of Barnum.

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:C 86.4%Language:Python 9.1%Language:CMake 2.1%Language:Shell 1.6%Language:C++ 0.9%