cartant / rxjs-marbles

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Testing expectations after flush

wwjhu opened this issue · comments

If I would like to test a number of expectations after the flush has occurred, what would be the advised approach? Right now I'm disabling autoFlush and call flush manually, but that adds a bit of plumbing to every test that needs it.

If you always want to set autoFlush to false, you could wrap and re-export the marbles function from a module of your own, like this:

import { marbles as _marbles } from "rxjs-marbles";

export function marbles(func: (m: Context, any[]) => any): any {

    return _marbles((m: Context, any[]) => {
        m.autoFlush = false;
        return func(m,;

That's the approach taken within rxjs-marbles for framework-specific configuration.

That would work although I would look at extending the Context class. Would that be something that you consider as interesting as feature for rxjs-marbles?

it('should ...', marbles((m: Context) => {

    // ...
    m.onFlush(() => {
        // Some extra tests here

I'm hesitant to do that. You could always add it to the Context using the wrapper approach.

I'm curious as to why you would need to perform post-flush tests so often. What do your tests look like?

The observable chain does calls to methods, in my test case a mocked api call. At the end of the test I want to verify the number of calls made to this api. That is something that can only be checked after the flush.

So those methods are side-effects and their being called cannot otherwise be verified? I.e. via results returned via the observable chain?

Correct, the chain in this case includes an exhaustMap, filter and first

   * Polls an API at an interval of x milliseconds for a period of y milliseconds. Ensures that only a single poll is
   * active at a given point. The interval is therefore a minimum interval: if at the next interval a poll is in
   * progress, the poll is skipped for that interval point.
   * The returned observable emits the first value that passes the provided filter and completes afterwards. If within
   * period no values pass the filter, the observable errors with a TimeoutError
   * Inspired by
   * @param retryInterval interval in milliseconds
   * @param retryTimeout timeout in milliseconds
   * @param apiFn callback to function providing the observables to poll
   * @param filterFn callback to filter function to signal success
   * @param scheduler used for testing
   * @return {Observable<T>}
  static poll<T>(retryInterval: number, retryTimeout: number, apiFn: () => Observable<T>, filterFn: (r: T) => boolean, scheduler?: IScheduler) : Observable<T> {
    const timeoutAt = new Date((scheduler ? : + retryTimeout);
    return Observable
      .timer(0, retryInterval) // Try to call the api at every interval
      .exhaustMap(() => apiFn()) // But avoid multiple calls to the api at the same time
      .filter((r: T) => filterFn(r)) // Check whether the caller accepts the value
      .first() // We're done when the first item gets through the filter
      .timeout(timeoutAt); // Or we're done when we run out of time

I'm still hesitant to add it. I kinda prefer flush to be something you either don't deal with because you write conventional marble tests or something that's completely explicit because you are doing something a little different.

I'm not sure, but I have vague memories of writing tests in which I called flush multiple times, so onFlush just seems a little weird to me, at the moment.

I'll give it some more thought, but in the interim, you can always add it yourself using the wrapper mechanism:

import { marbles as _marbles } from "rxjs-marbles";

declare module "rxjs-marbles/context" {
    interface Context {
        onFlush?: () => void;

export function marbles(func: (m: Context, any[]) => any): any {
    return _marbles((m: Context, any[]) => {
        const result = func(m,;
        if (m.onFlush) { m.onFlush(); }
        return result;

TypeScript's declaration merging makes this sort of thing possible.

I'm still hesitant to add it. I kinda prefer flush to be something you either don't deal with because you write conventional marble tests or something that's completely explicit because you are doing something a little different.


Thanks for the snippet and the excellent library.

No worries. There were some errors in that last snippet. They should be fixed, now.