cartalyst / tags

A Tagging package that easily allows you to add tags to your Eloquent models.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Undefined constant 'Cartalyst\Tags\TagsServiceProvider

amanullah-1 opened this issue · comments

Hi I am getting the issue

"In app.php line 150
Undefined constant 'Cartalyst\Tags\TagsServiceProvider"
while I am trying to

php artisan serve
command after following all the steps for install and configure cartalyst/tags package.
anybody can help resolving this issue?

aman ullah


You probably just added Cartalyst\Tags\TagsServiceProvider to your config/app.php file instead of "Cartalyst\Tags\TagsServiceProvider" or Cartalyst\Tags\TagsServiceProvider::class

One of those should fix your problem.