cartalyst / tags

A Tagging package that easily allows you to add tags to your Eloquent models.

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

still untag() didsnt work

hizone opened this issue · comments

i chack but its didnt fix

i have 2 tags in my business and i try to remove them but its still show to me
this is my code:

and this is my result

i can only to put tags but didnt delete them

laravrl 5.6.15


Hello @Haizone

I just tested, again, and it's working as expected.

Here's the code i used to test + the package unit tests

$user = App\User::firstOrCreate(['email' => '', 'name' => 'First User', 'password' => '123']);

$user->tag(['foo', 'bar', 'baz']);

dump($user->tags()->get()->pluck('slug', 'name')->toArray());


dump($user->tags()->get()->pluck('slug', 'name')->toArray());


dump($user->tags()->get()->pluck('slug', 'name')->toArray());

Here is the dump

array:3 [▼
  "foo" => "foo"
  "bar" => "bar"
  "baz" => "baz"
array:2 [▼
  "bar" => "bar"
  "baz" => "baz"

Laravel: 5.6.15
Cartalyst Tags: 6.0.1

Ensure that you're using the latest version of the Cartalyst Tags as well.