cartalyst / alerts

A package that allows you to manage different types of alerts throughout your application.

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Alert::get() is empty

aspyropoulos opened this issue · comments

Your Environment

  • Laravel Version: 8.38.0
  • OS and Version: Ubuntu 20
  • PHP Version: 8.0.3
  • Alerts Version: 5.1.0

Expected behaviour

Following the guide after setting in my Controller Alert::error('error message'); in blade App:get() should contain the alert.

Actual behaviour

What is is happening is that in blade App:get() gives and empty array.

My .env file contains session and cache as below:

This has been tested in a newly fresh Laravel project.
Am I missing some configuration?


If i understood it properly, you are setting the alert on a view file. I don't think that would work as expected, you need to define the alert in your controller for example.

Then inside your view you can use the Alert::get() to render these alerts.

Here's a very basic setup with fresh Laravel 8.

On the routes.php file you can do something like:


use Cartalyst\Alerts\Laravel\Facades\Alert;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Route;

| Web Routes
| Here is where you can register web routes for your application. These
| routes are loaded by the RouteServiceProvider within a group which
| contains the "web" middleware group. Now create something great!

Route::get('/', function () {

    return view('welcome');

Route::get('set-alert', function () {

    return redirect('/');

Then when you visit the endpoint /set-alert, for example, it will set the alert and redirect you to / which will show the alert you've just set.

Sorry if I didn't explain it before @brunogaspar, but I am setting the alert from a controller (not a view) and does not work. I also tried your example and still getting an empty array. If you also tried with a fresh Laravel 8 installation then perhaps it has something to do with the config? Is there any .env variable that it could explain this behaviour? I am using Laravel sail to have the project up and running.

No problem :)

Would be kind to zip this fresh test project you have and send it to me please (you can send to my email directly)? I can have a look and see what might be wrong.

Sure I sent it.

Ok, i saw the mistake.

On your routes/web.php you're importing the native facade

use Cartalyst\Alerts\Native\Facades\Alert;

But it should be the Laravel one instead

use Cartalyst\Alerts\Laravel\Facades\Alert;

Do that change and it should work as expected.

That made the trick. Thanks!

You're welcome!