caronc / nzb-notify

Push Notifications to a large number of supported services for NZBGet and SABnzbd (based on Apprise)

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no notification on nzb file adding failure frm url

mohitjoshi155 opened this issue · comments



i have noticed that if nzb file adding itself fails from url theres no notification being sent

any way to make it so its sends notification on nzb file adding failure?

Make sure you have the configuration set to notify in the settings. Make sure also that you can receive notifications using the Test button available when setting up the Notification Configuration.



yup i have all that covered
I get all other notifications except this nzb adding failure from url

Weird, It's tough to say if it's a bug with nzbnotify or NZBGet (not signalling nzbnotify). Maybe @hugbug has some advice?


no notifications are being triggered on skipped status also