caroline608 / AC-iOS-Unit4Week3-HW

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Weather App


Create a weather app using programmatic Autolayout. Your app should let the user input a zipcode, then see the 7-day forecast. Selecting a forecast should display more information about the weather for that day, along with a random image of the city matching the zip code. The user can favorite the image, then view a list of all of their favorited images.



Detailed Overview

There should be 3 Main View Controllers

  1. The main weather view controller
  2. The weather detail view controller (with city pic)
  3. The favorite images view controller

Main weather view controller

The main weather view controller should have:

  • A Label that names the city for the forecast
  • A CollectionView to show the forecasts
  • A TextField for the user to enter the zip code

Selecting a collection view cell should segue to a weather detail view controller

Detail weather view controller

The weather detail view controller should have:

  • A Label naming the city and the forecast date
  • A random image of the city
  • A Label with a longer description of the weather
  • Additional information about the weather including the high, low, sunrise, sunset, windspeed and precipitation

Selecting the "Save" bar button item should save the image to your favorites and present an alert view informing the user.

Favorite images view controller

The favorite images view controller should have:

  • A table view that contains all of the images that have been favorited.

The image at the top should be the most recently favorited image.

For full credit, the cells should be self-sizing.


For full credit, the following types of persistence must be implemented:

  1. Use User Defaults to store the most recently searched zip code
  2. Use File Manager to store the images to disk


  1. Aeris Weather API
  2. Pixabay API

For full credit, all networking must be done natively without the use of external SDKs / Pods


All views and Autolayout should be done programmatically. For full credit, do not use a Storyboard or .xib files in your app.


Criteria Points
App uses Programmatic AutoLayout correctly for all iPhones in portrait 8 Points
Variable Naming and Readability 4 Points
App uses MVC Design Patterns 4 Points
App loads forecast based on zip code into collection view 4 Points
Selecting a forecast segues to a detail view with more information 4 Points
Detail view loads a random image from the city 4 Points
User can save images to the File Manager 4 Points
Favorite images view controller loads all favorited images 4 Points
Most recent zip code is persisted with user defaults 4 Points
Extra Credit: Allow the user to search by the cityname or zipcode 1 Point
Extra Credit: Allow the user to toggle whether the displays should be US or Metric. Persist this to User Defaults 1 Point
Extra Credit: Add animations that we think look good 2 Point

A total of 40 points, with 4 points extra credit.



Language:Swift 100.0%