carlospolop / docker-mitm

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Docker MitM

This is a container prepared with env variables to proxy HTTP traffic from the container to your burp proxy to steal the communication occurring inside of it (potentially credentials).

This is useful in environments where:

  1. You can configure the Docker image to use
  2. Some interesting connections are created from the container and you want to check them

This Docker image is public in (This would be useless for you as your proxy ad cert will be different).

Start MitM proxy

# Install proxy
pip3 install mitmproxy

# Get CA certificate
cat ~/.mitmproxy/mitmproxy-ca-cert.pem

# Start listening
mitmproxy --listen-port 8000 [--set block_global=false] [--allow-hosts ""] [--ignore-hosts "||"]

Create Docker image

REMEMBER TO SET THE MITMPROXY CERTIFICATE & CHANGE THE VALUES OF https_proxy and http_proxy in the Dockerfile with the hostname and port where the proxy will be listening

Important: It's possible that the binary you are doing a MitM has certificate pinning. This will probably break the binary and won't allow you to continue capturing other requests. In that case use the params --allow-hosts (if you know which host you want to attack) or --ignore-hosts to ignore the one giving problems.

Important2: If are using this in cloud, it might be possible that HTTP requests are being done to the metadata service. In that case you potentially DON'T want to set the http_proxy environment variable, to avoid doing a MitM to those requests (or maybe you could just use --ignore-hosts).

# Get ngrok address
ngrok tcp 8000 #You could use this address as proxy in the env variables

# Build (for change your dockerhub username)
docker build -t docker-mitm .
docker tag docker-mitm carlospolop/docker-mitm:v06-01-2023
docker push carlospolop/docker-mitm:v06-01-2023

# Just running apt-get update you should start capturing traffic
docker run -it docker-mitm apt-get update
# Or accessing via https
docker run -it docker-mitm curl

# Upload to docker hub 
docker login
docker tag docker-mitm carlospolop/docker-mitm:v06-01-2023
docker push carlospolop/docker-mitm:v06-01-2023



Language:Dockerfile 100.0%