carlitoplatanito / gulp-nunjucks-render

[Gulp]( plugin to render [Nunjucks]( templates

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Can't import v2.2.0

LeoIannacone opened this issue · comments

Hi, I can't import latest version.

[15:40:24] Error: Cannot find module 'gulp-nunjucks-render' from 'my-home-project'

It looks like the NPM package may be missing the index.js file?

Anyone know the reason why there is no index.js file on npm package? Everything looks ok here on the latest tag

@kristijanhusak I don't see anything wrong anywhere, but there is a list of steps that for example np performs upon publishing. If this was happening to me, I'd remove node_modules, then install deps npm i, then run tests, if all still fine, publish via np patch.

I don't see .npmignore, but maybe there's one on yours, turn on show hidden files and double-check.

Maybe something's dodgy on the version control side? I'll try to git clone and have a look via SourceTree.

Version 2.2.1 is out. I tried installing it, index.js properly exists.
@revelt thanks for the NP suggestion, it helped me out. I had too old version of npm, that's why issues occurred. Please test it out and see if everything is ok.
Apologies one more time.

My templates do render fine on 2.2.1. There are differences now with Nunjucks v3, some of my content blocks are now empty but that's a different problem.

#54 can be closed then?

I closed it. Can we close this one too?