cargo-generate / cargo-generate

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Cannot install on Rust 1.67

haitrungle opened this issue · comments


Describe the bug
Running cargo install cargo-generate failed with rustc 1.67.0. Specifically, it fails to build git-ref 0.23.1, which is a dependency of git-config.

Desktop (please complete the following information):

  • OS: Windows 10
  • rustc --version: 1.67.0

Additional context
The bug is probably caused by gitoxide using bstr incorrectly: Byron/gitoxide#747. A fix has been publish yesterday, I think we just need to update git-config (or gix-config?) to 0.16.3.

Can confirm for rustc 1.67.1 on Manjaro

Confirming too, wasnt able to install it today


Same for me on macos.

error[E0277]: the trait bound `BStr: AsRef<[_; 0]>` is not satisfied
  --> /Users/l1x/.cargo/registry/src/
95 |                 .map(|(_rest, r)|
   |                                   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ------ required by a bound introduced by this call
   |                                   |
   |                                   the trait `AsRef<[_; 0]>` is not implemented for `BStr`
   = help: the following other types implement trait `AsRef<T>`:
             <BStr as AsRef<BStr>>
             <BStr as AsRef<[u8]>>

error[E0277]: the trait bound `BStr: AsRef<[_; 0]>` is not satisfied
  --> /Users/l1x/.cargo/registry/src/
91 |         a.binary_search_by_key(&full_name.as_ref(), |b: &u8| {
   |                                 ^^^^^^^^^ ------ required by a bound introduced by this call
   |                                 |
   |                                 the trait `AsRef<[_; 0]>` is not implemented for `BStr`
   = help: the following other types implement trait `AsRef<T>`:
             <BStr as AsRef<BStr>>
             <BStr as AsRef<[u8]>>

error[E0283]: type annotations needed
    --> /Users/l1x/.cargo/registry/src/
109  |             if let Some(shortened) = name.strip_prefix(category.prefix().as_ref()) {
     |                                           ^^^^^^^^^^^^ -------------------------- type must be known at this point
     |                                           |
     |                                           cannot infer type of the type parameter `P` declared on the associated function `strip_prefix`
     = note: cannot satisfy `_: core::slice::SlicePattern`
note: required by a bound in `core::slice::<impl [T]>::strip_prefix`
    --> /Users/l1x/.rustup/toolchains/stable-aarch64-apple-darwin/lib/rustlib/src/rust/library/core/src/slice/
2284 |     pub fn strip_prefix<P: SlicePattern<Item = T> + ?Sized>(&self, prefix: &P) -> Option<&[T]>
     |                            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ required by this bound in `core::slice::<impl [T]>::strip_prefix`
help: consider specifying the generic argument
109  |             if let Some(shortened) = name.strip_prefix::<P>(category.prefix().as_ref()) {
     |                                                       +++++

error[E0283]: type annotations needed
   --> /Users/l1x/.cargo/registry/src/
109 |             if let Some(shortened) = name.strip_prefix(category.prefix().as_ref()) {
    |                                           ^^^^^^^^^^^^                   ------ type must be known at this point
    |                                           |
    |                                           cannot infer type of the type parameter `P` declared on the associated function `strip_prefix`
    = note: multiple `impl`s satisfying `BStr: AsRef<_>` found in the `bstr` crate:
            - impl AsRef<BStr> for BStr;
            - impl AsRef<[u8]> for BStr;
help: consider specifying the generic argument
109 |             if let Some(shortened) = name.strip_prefix::<P>(category.prefix().as_ref()) {
    |                                                       +++++

error[E0283]: type annotations needed
   --> /Users/l1x/.cargo/registry/src/
132 |         } else if let Some(shortened) = name.strip_prefix(Category::MainPseudoRef.prefix().as_ref()) {
    |                                              ^^^^^^^^^^^^                                  ------ type must be known at this point
    |                                              |
    |                                              cannot infer type of the type parameter `P` declared on the associated function `strip_prefix`
    = note: multiple `impl`s satisfying `BStr: AsRef<_>` found in the `bstr` crate:
            - impl AsRef<BStr> for BStr;
            - impl AsRef<[u8]> for BStr;
help: consider specifying the generic argument
132 |         } else if let Some(shortened) = name.strip_prefix::<P>(Category::MainPseudoRef.prefix().as_ref()) {
    |                                                          +++++

error[E0283]: type annotations needed
   --> /Users/l1x/.cargo/registry/src/
139 |             name.strip_prefix(Category::LinkedPseudoRef { name: "".into() }.prefix().as_ref())
    |                  ^^^^^^^^^^^^                                                        ------ type must be known at this point
    |                  |
    |                  cannot infer type of the type parameter `P` declared on the associated function `strip_prefix`
    = note: multiple `impl`s satisfying `BStr: AsRef<_>` found in the `bstr` crate:
            - impl AsRef<BStr> for BStr;
            - impl AsRef<[u8]> for BStr;
help: consider specifying the generic argument
139 |             name.strip_prefix::<P>(Category::LinkedPseudoRef { name: "".into() }.prefix().as_ref())
    |                              +++++

error[E0283]: type annotations needed
    --> /Users/l1x/.cargo/registry/src/
76   |                 .strip_prefix(namespace.0.as_bstr().as_ref())
     |                  ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ------------------------------ type must be known at this point
     |                  |
     |                  cannot infer type of the type parameter `P` declared on the associated function `strip_prefix`
     = note: cannot satisfy `_: core::slice::SlicePattern`
note: required by a bound in `core::slice::<impl [T]>::strip_prefix`
    --> /Users/l1x/.rustup/toolchains/stable-aarch64-apple-darwin/lib/rustlib/src/rust/library/core/src/slice/
2284 |     pub fn strip_prefix<P: SlicePattern<Item = T> + ?Sized>(&self, prefix: &P) -> Option<&[T]>
     |                            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ required by this bound in `core::slice::<impl [T]>::strip_prefix`
help: consider specifying the generic argument
76   |                 .strip_prefix::<P>(namespace.0.as_bstr().as_ref())
     |                              +++++

error[E0283]: type annotations needed
  --> /Users/l1x/.cargo/registry/src/
76 |                 .strip_prefix(namespace.0.as_bstr().as_ref())
   |                  ^^^^^^^^^^^^                       ------ type must be known at this point
   |                  |
   |                  cannot infer type of the type parameter `P` declared on the associated function `strip_prefix`
   = note: multiple `impl`s satisfying `BStr: AsRef<_>` found in the `bstr` crate:
           - impl AsRef<BStr> for BStr;
           - impl AsRef<[u8]> for BStr;
help: consider specifying the generic argument
76 |                 .strip_prefix::<P>(namespace.0.as_bstr().as_ref())
   |                              +++++

Some errors have detailed explanations: E0277, E0283.
For more information about an error, try `rustc --explain E0277`.
error: could not compile `git-ref` due to 8 previous errors
warning: build failed, waiting for other jobs to finish...

Btw. I can compile with cargo build when checking out the repo.



error[E0277]: the trait bound BStr: AsRef<[_; 0]> is not satisfied
--> C:\Users\User.cargo\registry\src\\git-ref-0.23.1\src\store\packed\
95 | .map(|(_rest, r)|
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ------ required by a bound introduced by this call
| |
| the trait AsRef<[_; 0]> is not implemented for BStr
= help: the following other types implement trait AsRef<T>:
<BStr as AsRef>
<BStr as AsRef<[u8]>>

error[E0277]: the trait bound BStr: AsRef<[_; 0]> is not satisfied
--> C:\Users\User.cargo\registry\src\\git-ref-0.23.1\src\store\packed\
91 | a.binary_search_by_key(&full_name.as_ref(), |b: &u8| {
| ^^^^^^^^^ ------ required by a bound introduced by this call
| |
| the trait AsRef<[_; 0]> is not implemented for BStr
= help: the following other types implement trait AsRef<T>:
<BStr as AsRef>
<BStr as AsRef<[u8]>>

error[E0283]: type annotations needed
--> C:\Users\User.cargo\registry\src\\git-ref-0.23.1\src\
109 | if let Some(shortened) = name.strip_prefix(category.prefix().as_ref()) {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^ -------------------------- type must be known at this point
| |
| cannot infer type of the type parameter P declared on the associated function strip_prefix
= note: cannot satisfy _: core::slice::SlicePattern
note: required by a bound in core::slice::<impl [T]>::strip_prefix
--> C:\Users\User.rustup\toolchains\stable-x86_64-pc-windows-msvc\lib/rustlib/src/rust\library\core\src\slice\
2284 | pub fn strip_prefix<P: SlicePattern<Item = T> + ?Sized>(&self, prefix: &P) -> Option<&[T]>
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ required by this bound in core::slice::<impl [T]>::strip_prefix
help: consider specifying the generic argument
109 | if let Some(shortened) = name.strip_prefix::

(category.prefix().as_ref()) {
| +++++

error[E0283]: type annotations needed
--> C:\Users\User.cargo\registry\src\\git-ref-0.23.1\src\
109 | if let Some(shortened) = name.strip_prefix(category.prefix().as_ref()) {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ------ type must be known at this point
| |
| cannot infer type of the type parameter P declared on the associated function strip_prefix
= note: multiple impls satisfying BStr: AsRef<_> found in the bstr crate:
- impl AsRef for BStr;
- impl AsRef<[u8]> for BStr;
help: consider specifying the generic argument
109 | if let Some(shortened) = name.strip_prefix::

(category.prefix().as_ref()) {
| +++++

error[E0283]: type annotations needed
--> C:\Users\User.cargo\registry\src\\git-ref-0.23.1\src\
132 | } else if let Some(shortened) = name.strip_prefix(Category::MainPseudoRef.prefix().as_ref()) {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ------ type must be known at this point
| |
| cannot infer type of the type parameter P declared on the associated function strip_prefix
= note: multiple impls satisfying BStr: AsRef<_> found in the bstr crate:
- impl AsRef for BStr;
- impl AsRef<[u8]> for BStr;
help: consider specifying the generic argument
132 | } else if let Some(shortened) = name.strip_prefix::

(Category::MainPseudoRef.prefix().as_ref()) {
| +++++

error[E0283]: type annotations needed
--> C:\Users\User.cargo\registry\src\\git-ref-0.23.1\src\
139 | name.strip_prefix(Category::LinkedPseudoRef { name: "".into() }.prefix().as_ref())
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ------ type must be known at this point
| |
| cannot infer type of the type parameter P declared on the associated function strip_prefix
= note: multiple impls satisfying BStr: AsRef<_> found in the bstr crate:
- impl AsRef for BStr;
- impl AsRef<[u8]> for BStr;
help: consider specifying the generic argument
139 | name.strip_prefix::

(Category::LinkedPseudoRef { name: "".into() }.prefix().as_ref())
| +++++

error[E0283]: type annotations needed
--> C:\Users\User.cargo\registry\src\\git-ref-0.23.1\src\
76 | .strip_prefix(namespace.0.as_bstr().as_ref())
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ------------------------------ type must be known at this point
| |
| cannot infer type of the type parameter P declared on the associated function strip_prefix
= note: cannot satisfy _: core::slice::SlicePattern
note: required by a bound in core::slice::<impl [T]>::strip_prefix
--> C:\Users\User.rustup\toolchains\stable-x86_64-pc-windows-msvc\lib/rustlib/src/rust\library\core\src\slice\
2284 | pub fn strip_prefix<P: SlicePattern<Item = T> + ?Sized>(&self, prefix: &P) -> Option<&[T]>
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ required by this bound in core::slice::<impl [T]>::strip_prefix
help: consider specifying the generic argument
76 | .strip_prefix::

| +++++

error[E0283]: type annotations needed
--> C:\Users\User.cargo\registry\src\\git-ref-0.23.1\src\
76 | .strip_prefix(namespace.0.as_bstr().as_ref())
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ------ type must be known at this point
| |
| cannot infer type of the type parameter P declared on the associated function strip_prefix
= note: multiple impls satisfying BStr: AsRef<_> found in the bstr crate:
- impl AsRef<[u8]> for BStr;
help: consider specifying the generic argument
76 | .strip_prefix::

| +++++

Some errors have detailed explanations: E0277, E0283.
For more information about an error, try rustc --explain E0277.
error: could not compile git-ref due to 8 previous errors
warning: build failed, waiting for other jobs to finish...
error: failed to compile cargo-generate v0.17.6, intermediate artifacts can be found at C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\cargo-installH1sfKR
PS C:\Users\User\Desktop\RUST\Rust_The_Complete_Guide> rustc --explain E0277
You tried to use a type which doesn't implement some trait in a place which
expected that trait.

Is this a similar problem? I can not run the[ $cargo install cargo-generate ] command without running into the errors mentioned above.

I've been trying since yesterday with several releases....and they have the same bug:

error[E0277]: the trait bound BStr: AsRef<[_; 0]> is not satisfied
--> C:\Users%USERPROFILE%.cargo\registry\src\\git-ref-0.23.1\src\store\packed\
95 | .map(|(_rest, r)|
| ^^^^^^ the trait AsRef<[_; 0]> is not implemented for BStr
= help: the following other types implement trait AsRef<T>:
<BStr as AsRef>
<BStr as AsRef<[u8]>>

error[E0277]: the trait bound BStr: AsRef<[_; 0]> is not satisfied
--> C:\Users%USERPROFILE%.cargo\registry\src\\git-ref-0.23.1\src\store\packed\
91 | a.binary_search_by_key(&full_name.as_ref(), |b: &u8| {
| ^^^^^^ the trait AsRef<[_; 0]> is not implemented for BStr
= help: the following other types implement trait AsRef<T>:
<BStr as AsRef>
<BStr as AsRef<[u8]>>

error[E0283]: type annotations needed
--> C:\Users%USERPROFILE%.cargo\registry\src\\git-ref-0.23.1\src\
109 | if let Some(shortened) = name.strip_prefix(category.prefix().as_ref()) {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^ -------------------------- type must be known at this point
| |
| cannot infer type of the type parameter P declared on the associated function strip_prefix
= note: cannot satisfy _: core::slice::SlicePattern
= help: the following types implement trait core::slice::SlicePattern:
[T; N]
note: required by a bound in core::slice::<impl [T]>::strip_prefix
--> /rustc/5243ea5c29b136137c36bd773e5baa663790e097\library\core\src\slice\
help: consider specifying the generic argument
109 | if let Some(shortened) = name.strip_prefix::

(category.prefix().as_ref()) {
| +++++

error[E0283]: type annotations needed
--> C:\Users%USERPROFILE%.cargo\registry\src\\git-ref-0.23.1\src\
109 | if let Some(shortened) = name.strip_prefix(category.prefix().as_ref()) {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ------ type must be known at this point
| |
| cannot infer type of the type parameter P declared on the associated function strip_prefix
= note: multiple impls satisfying BStr: AsRef<_> found in the bstr crate:
- impl AsRef for BStr;
- impl AsRef<[u8]> for BStr;
help: consider specifying the generic argument
109 | if let Some(shortened) = name.strip_prefix::

(category.prefix().as_ref()) {
| +++++

error[E0283]: type annotations needed
--> C:\Users%USERPROFILE%.cargo\registry\src\\git-ref-0.23.1\src\
132 | } else if let Some(shortened) = name.strip_prefix(Category::MainPseudoRef.prefix().as_ref()) {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ------ type must be known at this point
| |
| cannot infer type of the type parameter P declared on the associated function strip_prefix
= note: multiple impls satisfying BStr: AsRef<_> found in the bstr crate:
- impl AsRef for BStr;
- impl AsRef<[u8]> for BStr;
help: consider specifying the generic argument
132 | } else if let Some(shortened) = name.strip_prefix::

(Category::MainPseudoRef.prefix().as_ref()) {
| +++++

error[E0283]: type annotations needed
--> C:\Users%USERPROFILE%.cargo\registry\src\\git-ref-0.23.1\src\
139 | name.strip_prefix(Category::LinkedPseudoRef { name: "".into() }.prefix().as_ref())
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ------ type must be known at this point
| |
| cannot infer type of the type parameter P declared on the associated function strip_prefix
= note: multiple impls satisfying BStr: AsRef<_> found in the bstr crate:
- impl AsRef for BStr;
- impl AsRef<[u8]> for BStr;
help: consider specifying the generic argument
139 | name.strip_prefix::

(Category::LinkedPseudoRef { name: "".into() }.prefix().as_ref())
| +++++

error[E0283]: type annotations needed
--> C:\Users%USERPROFILE%.cargo\registry\src\\git-ref-0.23.1\src\
76 | .strip_prefix(namespace.0.as_bstr().as_ref())
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ------------------------------ type must be known at this point
| |
| cannot infer type of the type parameter P declared on the associated function strip_prefix
= note: cannot satisfy _: core::slice::SlicePattern
= help: the following types implement trait core::slice::SlicePattern:
[T; N]
note: required by a bound in core::slice::<impl [T]>::strip_prefix
--> /rustc/5243ea5c29b136137c36bd773e5baa663790e097\library\core\src\slice\
help: consider specifying the generic argument
76 | .strip_prefix::

| +++++

error[E0283]: type annotations needed
--> C:\Users%USERPROFILE%.cargo\registry\src\\git-ref-0.23.1\src\
76 | .strip_prefix(namespace.0.as_bstr().as_ref())
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ------ type must be known at this point
| |
| cannot infer type of the type parameter P declared on the associated function strip_prefix
= note: multiple impls satisfying BStr: AsRef<_> found in the bstr crate:
- impl AsRef for BStr;
- impl AsRef<[u8]> for BStr;
help: consider specifying the generic argument
76 | .strip_prefix::

| +++++

Some errors have detailed explanations: E0277, E0283.
For more information about an error, try rustc --explain E0277.
error: could not compile git-ref due to 8 previous errors
warning: build failed, waiting for other jobs to finish...
error: failed to compile cargo-generate v0.17.6, intermediate artifacts can be found at C:\Users\%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Temp\cargo-installS23zY8

For a workaround:

$ cargo install --locked cargo-generate

This is fixed with release v0.18.0 that is now out.