cargide / lab-intro-sql

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Lab | SQL Intro

In this lab, you will be using the Sakila database of movie rentals. You can follow the steps listed here to get the data locally: Sakila sample database - installation. You can work with two sql query files - sakila-schema.sql (creates the schema) + sakila-data.sql which inserts the data.

The ERD is pictured below - not all tables are shown, but many of the key fields you will be using are visible:

DB schema


  1. Use sakila database.
  2. Get all the data from tables actor, film and customer.
  3. Get film titles.
  4. Get unique list of film languages under the alias language. Note that we are not asking you to obtain the language per each film, but this is a good time to think about how you might get that information in the future.
  • 5.1 Find out how many stores does the company have?
  • 5.2 Find out how many employees staff does the company have?
  • 5.3 Return a list of employee first names only?
