captbaritone / raven-for-redux

A Raven middleware for Redux

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

npm build?

bjudson opened this issue · comments

When I pull version 1.1.0 from npm (actually I'm using yarn), the built version of the code (built/index.js) doesn't reflect what I'm seeing on GitHub. But the README is up to date.

Hmm. Maybe the build step didn't run. I'll look this evening. Sorry about that.

I'm really not sure what happened. I've republished as 1.1.1 and it seems to work now. Would you mind confirming?

Okay, my hypothesis at this point is that I hadn't rebased from github when I published.

Cool, thanks for the quick fix. Probably pushing this into production today or tomorrow along with React 16.

Great! Let me know if you hit any snags.