captbaritone / better-indent-support-for-php-with-html

This script allows you to indent HTML sections in PHP files

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Multiline PHP sections break indentation

LaserMoai opened this issue · comments

The p tags don't get indented in this example. I'm pretty sure PHP should be indented too; it's indented in NetBeans at least.


Vim 8.0

Seems like we both have the same problem. Ever found a solution?

I don't write in PHP anymore but I've still solved it by switching to VS Code just in case. ;) Using and customizing Vim was driving me nuts.

I found two kind of solutions for future reference:

Case 1:
Switch to emacs.
DOOM emacs seems to work very well from what I have seen.

Case 2:
Let ALE run the PHP fixer after every save.