capstone-engine / capstone

Capstone disassembly/disassembler framework for ARM, ARM64 (ARMv8), Alpha, BPF, Ethereum VM, HPPA, M68K, M680X, Mips, MOS65XX, PPC, RISC-V(rv32G/rv64G), SH, Sparc, SystemZ, TMS320C64X, TriCore, Webassembly, XCore and X86.

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Python binding lost mem operands of arm64 Insn by capstone v5.0.1

DiamondHunters opened this issue · comments

It's similar to #2260
cstool and python binding are the same version but give different results.

python binding api will lost the mem operand
python code(modified from capstone arm64 test):

from __future__ import print_function

import capstone
from capstone import *
from capstone.arm64 import *

ARM64_CODE = bytes.fromhex("2bb94239")

all_tests = (
        (CS_ARCH_ARM64, CS_MODE_ARM, ARM64_CODE, "ARM-64"),

def print_insn_detail(insn):
    # print address, mnemonic and operands
    print("0x%x:\t%s\t%s" % (insn.address, insn.mnemonic, insn.op_str))

    # "data" instruction generated by SKIPDATA option has no detail
    if == 0:

    if len(insn.operands) > 0:
        print("\top_count: %u" % len(insn.operands))
        c = -1
        for i in insn.operands:
            c += 1
            if i.type == ARM64_OP_REG:
                print("\t\toperands[%u].type: REG = %s" % (c, insn.reg_name(i.reg)))
            if i.type == ARM64_OP_IMM:
                print("\t\toperands[%u].type: IMM = 0x%s" % (c, hex(i.imm)))
            if i.type == ARM64_OP_CIMM:
                print("\t\toperands[%u].type: C-IMM = %u" % (c, i.imm))
            if i.type == ARM64_OP_FP:
                print("\t\toperands[%u].type: FP = %f" % (c, i.fp))
            if i.type == ARM64_OP_MEM:
                print("\t\toperands[%u].type: MEM" % c)
                if i.mem.base != 0:
                    print("\t\t\toperands[%u].mem.base: REG = %s" \
                        % (c, insn.reg_name(i.mem.base)))
                if i.mem.index != 0:
                    print("\t\t\toperands[%u].mem.index: REG = %s" \
                        % (c, insn.reg_name(i.mem.index)))
                if i.mem.disp != 0:
                    print("\t\t\toperands[%u].mem.disp: 0x%s" \
                        % (c, to_x(i.mem.disp)))
            if i.type == ARM64_OP_REG_MRS:
                print("\t\toperands[%u].type: REG_MRS = 0x%x" % (c, i.reg))
            if i.type == ARM64_OP_REG_MSR:
                print("\t\toperands[%u].type: REG_MSR = 0x%x" % (c, i.reg))
            if i.type == ARM64_OP_PSTATE:
                print("\t\toperands[%u].type: PSTATE = 0x%x" % (c, i.pstate))
            if i.type == ARM64_OP_SYS:
                print("\t\toperands[%u].type: SYS = 0x%x" % (c, i.sys))
            if i.type == ARM64_OP_PREFETCH:
                print("\t\toperands[%u].type: PREFETCH = 0x%x" % (c, i.prefetch))
            if i.type == ARM64_OP_BARRIER:
                print("\t\toperands[%u].type: BARRIER = 0x%x" % (c, i.barrier))

            if i.shift.type != ARM64_SFT_INVALID and i.shift.value:
                print("\t\t\tShift: type = %u, value = %u" % (i.shift.type, i.shift.value))

            if i.ext != ARM64_EXT_INVALID:
                print("\t\t\tExt: %u" % i.ext)

            if i.vas != ARM64_VAS_INVALID:
                print("\t\t\tVector Arrangement Specifier: 0x%x" % i.vas)

            # if i.vess != ARM64_VESS_INVALID:
            #     print("\t\t\tVector Element Size Specifier: %u" % i.vess)

            if i.vector_index != -1:
                print("\t\t\tVector Index: %u" % i.vector_index)

            if i.access == CS_AC_READ:
                print("\t\toperands[%u].access: READ\n" % (c))
            elif i.access == CS_AC_WRITE:
                print("\t\toperands[%u].access: WRITE\n" % (c))
            elif i.access == CS_AC_READ | CS_AC_WRITE:
                print("\t\toperands[%u].access: READ | WRITE\n" % (c))

    if insn.writeback:
        print("\tWrite-back: True")
    if not in [ARM64_CC_AL, ARM64_CC_INVALID]:
        print("\tCode-condition: %u" %
    if insn.update_flags:
        print("\tUpdate-flags: True")

    (regs_read, regs_write) = insn.regs_access()

    if len(regs_read) > 0:
        print("\tRegisters read:", end="")
        for r in regs_read:
            print(" %s" %(insn.reg_name(r)), end="")

    if len(regs_write) > 0:
        print("\tRegisters modified:", end="")
        for r in regs_write:
            print(" %s" %(insn.reg_name(r)), end="")

# ## Test class Cs
def test_class():

    for (arch, mode, code, comment) in all_tests:
        print("*" * 16)
        print("Platform: %s" % comment)
        print("Code: %s" % (code.hex()))

            md = Cs(arch, mode)
            md.detail = True
            for insn in md.disasm(code, 0):
                print ()
            print("0x%x:\n" % (insn.address + insn.size))
        except CsError as e:
            print("ERROR: %s" % e)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    print("version :", capstone.__version__)

version : 5.0.1
Platform: ARM-64
Code: 2bb94239
0x0:	ldrb	w11, [x9, #0xae]
	op_count: 1
		operands[0].type: REG = w11
		operands[0].access: WRITE

	Registers modified: w11


but cstool gave the correct result:

$ cstool                  
Cstool for Capstone Disassembler Engine v5.0.1

$ cstool -d arm64 2bb94239
 0  2b b9 42 39  ldrb   w11, [x9, #0xae]
        ID: 561 (ldrb)
        op_count: 2
                operands[0].type: REG = w11
                operands[0].access: WRITE
                operands[1].type: MEM
                        operands[1].mem.base: REG = x9
                        operands[1].mem.disp: 0xae
                operands[1].access: READ
        Registers read: x9
        Registers modified: w11

DYLD_PRINT_LIBRARIES=1 python -c 'import capstone'
library load:
dyld[18101]: <81B692C8-CFD7-3ADD-842D-AA9DFA176748> [delete]/.venv11/lib/python3.11/site-packages/capstone/lib/libcapstone.dylib
cs_version of this lib(decompiled by IDA):

__int64 __fastcall cs_version(_DWORD *a1, _DWORD *a2)
  if ( a1 && a2 )
    *a1 = 5;
    *a2 = 0;
  return 1280LL;

I also tried forcing python to loading libcapstone.5.dylib which bundle with cstool and get the same result
so I think python bindings use the correct library but always gave wrong result.that's so weird

next branch could get correct result,but a lot of symbols was changed,It's heavy to refactor code.

version : 5.0.0
Platform: ARM-64
Code: 2bb94239
0x0:	ldrb	w11, [x9, #0xae]
	op_count: 2
		operands[0].type: REG = w11
		operands[0].access: WRITE

		operands[1].type: MEM
			operands[1].mem.base: REG = x9
			operands[1].mem.disp: 0x0xae
		operands[1].access: READ

	Registers read: x9
	Registers modified: w11


If you want to use next branch, you can refer to the release guide for v6 (see "Note about AArch64" section).
There we document how to use the meta-programming macros to make the refactor easier.

release guide for v6
