capeprivacy / tf-trusted

tf-trusted allows you to run TensorFlow models in secure enclaves

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Is there any example provided for testing

HydraZeng opened this issue · comments


I am trying to test tf-trusted with some simple cases, but I don't know how to start. I find a logistic regression from tf-encrypted. I want to test more cases, like mnist with cnn. However, I don't know how to fill the arguments, e.g., input_name and output_name.

Any suggestion?

Hey there @HydraZeng,

In the, there is a section about how to run a model found here. We don't have any better examples currently but if you're able to send your protobuf model file I could give you a hand choosing the right values for the input name and output name.

Thanks very much for your response.

If I want to run the mnist_model.pb in here, and the input is in here. What are the input name and output name.

I learn that it can be retrieved from netron, and I succeed in running the model I provide above. Thanks a lot

I am trying to run the same model and input mentioned in the above comment. After analyzing mnist_model.pb from netron browser, I am setting input_name as 'Placeholder' and output_name as 'fc2/add'. Can anyone confirm whether this is correct?