capacitor-community / stripe

Stripe Mobile SDK wrapper for Capacitor

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Google Pay not working in ionic capacitor app

adeel399 opened this issue · comments


  • Web
  • iOS
  • [ x] Android

Describe the bug
i am using ionic capacitor and want to integrate google pay using that plugin but as i click button to present google pay screen blinks and nothing happen no dialog for google pay form.
ext {
minSdkVersion = 26
compileSdkVersion = 34
targetSdkVersion = 33
androidxActivityVersion = '1.2.0'
androidxAppCompatVersion = '1.2.0'
androidxCoordinatorLayoutVersion = '1.1.0'
androidxCoreVersion = '1.3.2'
androidxFragmentVersion = '1.3.0'
junitVersion = '4.13.1'
androidxJunitVersion = '1.1.2'
androidxEspressoCoreVersion = '3.3.0'
cordovaAndroidVersion = '7.0.0'
stripeAndroidVersion = '20.41.0'

//below is buttons code

async createGooglePay() {

await Stripe.createGooglePay({
  paymentIntentClientSecret: "some payemnt intent",
  paymentSummaryItems: [
      label: 'Product Name',
      amount: 1099.0,
  merchantIdentifier: '',
  countryCode: 'US',
  currency: 'USD',


async presentGooglePay() {
return Stripe.presentGooglePay();

To Reproduce

Expected behavior
it should display google pay form

WhatsApp Image 2024-04-22 at 16 27 50_0eb3575b

Additional context
Add any other context about the problem here.

Usage Product
If you adopt this plugin, please let us know which product you are using.

Product Name:
Product URL :
Using Function:

  • Payment Sheet / Payment Flow
  • Apple Pay
  • Google Pay
  • Identity (@capacitor-community/stripe-identity)
  • Terminal(@capacitor-community/stripe-terminal)

please let me know if i am doing wrong somthing

@rdlabo anyone please help

I came to know that it look like google pay luncher issue that blink but does not show on screen ,any fix