capacitor-community / stripe

Stripe Mobile SDK wrapper for Capacitor

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Recurring payment with Apple Pay & Google Pay

SossenSystems opened this issue · comments

Does your function request relate to a problem? Please describe it.
I am frustrated because I have not found a way to implement Apple Pay and Google Pay as recurring payments.

Describe the solution you want.
I would be really happy if recurring payments were possible for Apple and Google Pay, meaning I have a subscription and it is supposed to be debited EUR 10.00 every month.

Describe the alternatives you have considered.
The project is great, I would like to solve it with this one, thanks for the opportunity!

Additional context

Use product
I use credit card payments.

Product Name:
Product URL :
Function used:

  • [YES] Payment form / payment flow.
  • [Desired] Apple Pay
  • [Desired] Google Pay
  • [NO] Identity verification form

Thanks for the issue. This is an issue with the way tokens are created in the backend, not with the plugin.


Thanks for your answer. I'm using in the backend:

async createSetupIntent(customer: string) {
        const setupIntent = await this.stripe.setupIntents.create({
            usage: 'off_session',
        return setupIntent.client_secret;

So where i can insert the recurring payment?

This is not a problem on the plugin side, so please contact Stripe.

But can you not show an example of it, how to do it in your code?