capacitor-community / generic-oauth2

Generic Capacitor OAuth 2 client plugin. Stop the war in Ukraine!

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Evidence of the use of safari

cordeveloper opened this issue · comments

Hello, I need your help to publish my app. I think my best option is to present evidence of the use of Safari View Controller...
This is the response sent by Apple:
You may also choose to implement the Safari View Controller API to display web content within your app. The Safari View Controller allows the display of a URL and inspection of the certificate from an embedded browser in an app so that customers can verify the webpage URL and SSL certificate to confirm they are entering their sign in credentials into a legitimate page.

Reviewing the plugin code I would say that it is used. Can you confirm that this is really the case and at what point could I capture the code to present it as evidence?

Capacitor version:
Installed Dependencies:

@capacitor/cli: 4.8.0
@capacitor/android: 4.6.3
@capacitor/ios: 4.8.0
@capacitor/core: 4.7.0

Library version:

OAuth Provider:
Azure AD (B2C)
Your Plugin Configuration
appId: "",

authorizationBaseUrl: , scope: "", accessTokenEndpoint: ,
responseType: "code",
pkceEnabled: true,
logsEnabled: true,
web: {
redirectUrl: ${REDIRECT_BASE},
windowOptions: "height=600,left=0,top=0",
windowTarget: "_self",
android: {
/* accessTokenEndpoint: '',
handleResultOnNewIntent: true,
handleResultOnActivityResult: true,
responseType: 'code' */
handleResultOnNewIntent: true,
handleResultOnActivityResult: true,
ios: {
redirectUrl: "",

Affected Platform(s):