caolan / highland

High-level streams library for Node.js and the browser

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Continue on 'finish' instead of 'end'

danguilherme opened this issue · comments

I'm trying to figure streams out.
To help with that, I'm changing the way my tiny videos download helper works, to deal with streams.

Here is the desired workflow:

  1. user passes a list of videos to be downloaded
  2. get the first video from the list
  3. search for the video (from Youtube API, returns a Promise)
  4. get the video URL
  5. download its content (returns a stream, which is piped to a file stream)
  6. on finish, get the next video and go back to step 1, until list is over

The problem is that step 6 is run before the file is completely written (before the write stream's finish event), so the program "finishes" before the files are completely downloaded.

I would like the calls to be queued, somehow.
Here is the (simplified) code:

highland(tracks) // tracks = array of videos requested by the user
  .flatMap(track => highland(spotify.getTrack(track))) // getTrack returns a promise, which resolves with a track object
  .flatMap(track => downloadTrack(track, { path: output, logger })) // downloadTrack calls downloadYoutubeVideo that does the heavy stream work (see below)
  .on('end', resolve) // this code is wrapped in a Promise, irrelevant

function downloadTrack(track, { path = './', logger } = {}) {
  info(logger,"   [Downloading track]"),;

  let fileName = `${track.artists[0].name} - ${}`;
  return downloadYoutubeVideo(fileName, path, { logger });

function downloadYoutubeVideo(name, location = './', { logger } = {}) {
  let fullPath = fsPath.join(location, `${createFolderName(name)}.mp4`);
  // setup folders
  if (!fs.existsSync(location))

  let videoSearchPromise = youtube.searchMusicVideo(name);
  let writeStream = fs.createWriteStream(fullPath);

  return highland(videoSearchPromise) // search the video
    .map(video => {
      if (!video) {
        throw new Error("Video not found");

      let downloadUrl = `${}`;
      debug(logger, `Downloading video from url: ${downloadUrl}`);

      let videoStream = ytdl(downloadUrl, { quality: 18 /* 360p */ });

      return highland(videoStream)
        .on('finish', () => console.log('Finish write:', name));

(The complete code can be found here.)

This is the current output:

[spotivy v0.4.0]
Saving media to 'C:\Users\Guilherme\git\danguilherme\spotivy\media'

   [Downloading track] Don't Hold the Wall
   [Downloading track] Broken-Hearted Girl
   [Downloading track] Break the Ice
   [Downloading track] DJ Got Us Fallin' In Love

[spotivy v0.4.0] Finished successfuly
Finish write: Justin Timberlake - Don't Hold the Wall
Finish write: Beyoncé - Broken-Hearted Girl
Finish write: Usher - DJ Got Us Fallin' In Love
Finish write: Britney Spears - Break the Ice

And this is the desired output:

[spotivy v0.4.0]
Saving media to 'C:\Users\Guilherme\git\danguilherme\spotivy\media'

   [Downloading track] Don't Hold the Wall
Finish write: Justin Timberlake - Don't Hold the Wall
   [Downloading track] Broken-Hearted Girl
Finish write: Beyoncé - Broken-Hearted Girl
   [Downloading track] Break the Ice
Finish write: Britney Spears - Break the Ice
   [Downloading track] DJ Got Us Fallin' In Love
Finish write: Usher - DJ Got Us Fallin' In Love

[spotivy v0.4.0] Finished successfuly

How could I achieve that?

I think the problem is in this code

  return highland(videoSearchPromise) // search the video
    .map(video => {
      if (!video) {
        throw new Error("Video not found");

      let downloadUrl = `${}`;
      debug(logger, `Downloading video from url: ${downloadUrl}`);

      let videoStream = ytdl(downloadUrl, { quality: 18 /* 360p */ });

      return highland(videoStream)
        .on('finish', () => console.log('Finish write:', name));

Specifically, you do a map instead of a flatMap. map doesn't wait on its results the way that flatMap does, so the stream that you create completes as soon as the download is started, and not when it's done.

I think the following will work

  return highland(videoSearchPromise) // search the video
    .flatMap(video => highland((push, next) => {

        .on('finish', () => {
          push(null, highland.nil); // Notify Highland that the download has completed.
          console.log('Finish write:', name)

By the way, using the EventListener events are kind of deprecated (they're not well-supported, and may interact poorly with the rest of the API). So for this part

  .on('end', resolve) // this code is wrapped in a Promise, irrelevant

you are better off using done instead, which does the same thing, but doesn't rely on events.

  .done(resolve); // No need to manually resume the stream.

It works perfectly!

Thank you for the response and for the tips about events too. Will use errors for errors as well.
(Updated code for the curious.)