caolan / forms

An easy way to create, parse and validate forms in node.js

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

GHSL-2020-356: seeking security contact for your project

anticomputer opened this issue · comments

The GitHub Security Lab reported a potential security vulnerability (GHSL-2020-356) in your project (caolan/forms). We are approaching 90 days since our initial report and as per our coordinated disclosure policy, we intend to publish a public advisory detailing this issue. If you wish to discuss or further coordinate a response to this issue with the GitHub Security Lab, please contact us at within the next 7 days in reference to GHSL-2020-356 and we would love to help you resolve these issues. If not, feel free to close this issue and we will proceed with advisory publication on expiration.

Usually the 90 days is meant to give the maintainers time to address the issue, and I've had no report before this.

I'll email you right now.

Usually the 90 days is meant to give the maintainers time to address the
issue, and I've had no report before this.

I'll email you right now.

We have redelivered the report to your preferred contact, the original report was delivered to: on dec 22, 2020.