caolan / forms

An easy way to create, parse and validate forms in node.js

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Correct way to create custom widget

Raphael-johanne opened this issue · comments



i would like add a custom widget for my forms without to override form module; it is for a file/image overview field.

I found #48 but it seems to be not usesable yet.

I found also this #158 but I want to create a fully new widget, as image tag.

Is there some documentation to create custom widget properly ?

Where could I find some examples ?

Thank in advance !

Per #158 (comment) - a widget is just a function. That comment contains an example of how to create a custom widget. If you don't want to depend on existing widgets, you can look at their code, and replicate what they do.



var email = require('forms/lib/widgets/email');
function customWidget(options) {
  var w = email(options);
  var originalHTML = w.toHTML;
  w.toHTML = function (name, f) {
    var html = originalHTML(name, f);
    return html + '<span>custom</span>';
  return w;

What is var email = require('forms/lib/widgets/email'); ? 'forms/lib/widgets/email' does not exist.

Furthermore, i don't want to create an email field, but an img field.

Thanks in advance !

oops, the require is incorrect there - it should point to - ie, require('forms/lib/widgets').email



thank you for answer. I did it by this way :

// in mynodemodule/forms/widgets/widgets.js

var tag = require('forms/lib/tag'); = function (options) {
    var opt = options || {};
    var w = {
        classes: opt.classes || options

    w.toHTML = function (name, field) {
        var f = field || {};
        var attrs = {
            'src': '/media/get/' + f.value, // specific route to treat secure media files
            classes: w.classes,
            width : 100

        var imgHTML = tag('img', [attrs, [], w.attrs || {}], opt.content);

        return imgHTML; 
    return w;
// in mymodule/form.js

var customWigets = require('./widgets/widgets.js');

Form.prototype.getFields = function() {


field.widget  =;



It is only an img tag to show an image on the server but it works !

Many thanks !

np! if you think the documentation could be improved, pull requests are always welcome!



With pleasure, is that my method the good way to create custom widget ? If it is, I will push some documentation to do it.

I think that seems reasonable, yes.