canton7 / Stylet

A very lightweight but powerful ViewModel-First MVVM framework for WPF for .NET Framework and .NET Core, inspired by Caliburn.Micro.

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OnInitialActivate does not get called in "Child" Screen

uyaem opened this issue · comments

OnInitialActivate does not get called in a "Child" Screen in controls if using <ContentControl> to embed the child.
I cannot use any of the Conductor options on the parent, because there are potentially several "dynamic controls" on the page, as the application continues to grow.
Is this a bug, or by design, or am I doing something wrong?

To Reproduce
Below code snippet should suffice to reproduce the behaviour.
This is an extremely stripped down version of my scenario, and I hope it is complete enough. If not, I'll amend as needed.

/// ParentView.xaml
    <ContentControl s:View.Model="{Binding DynamicControl}" [...] />
/// ParentViewModel.cs
public class ParentViewModel : Screen
  private Func<ChildViewModel> createChild;
  private Screen dynamicControl;

  public ParentViewModel(Func<ChildViewModel> createChild) { this.createChild = createChild; }

  public Screen DynamicControl
    get => this.dynamicControl;
    set => this.SetAndNotify(ref this.dynamicControl, value);

  protected override void OnInitialActivate()
    this.DynamicControl = this.createChild();

/// ChildViewModel.cs
public class ChildViewModel : Screen
  protected override void OnInitialActivate()
    // Never gets called

Version Info

  • Stylet version: 1.3.6
  • Runtime version: .NET 5