canonical / envoy-operator

Envoy Operator

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Difficulty fetching oci-image creates transient blocked status

WRFitch opened this issue · comments

When running the build_and_deploy integration tests in this PR, if raise_on_blocked is set to True when waiting for idle, the test fails. This is due to a transient blocked status, which shows up in the next test in the file, which hangs on "getting oci-image" for around 5 minutes. Since a blocked status means "I require human intervention", this might just need updating to a maintenance/waiting status.

Test Logs:

The main issue seems that in the integration tests we are not including the oci-image resource during deployment, causing the blocked stater, what I don't understand is how it ever gets to active in this state.