cannin / gsoc_2024_cbioportal_chatbot

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Chatbot for cBioPortal for Cancer Genomics

Contributor: Xinling Wang

Mentors: Augustin Luna, Ruslan Forostianov, Meysam Ghaffari

About Project :

This project is about build and train a streaming chatbot on four datasets: Documentation site of cBioportal, Google group conversations, PMC papers used in studies, and OPENAPI. Also, the project used route logic to combine 5 chains, and wrote a routing logic function to choose chatbot depending on user query. The chatbot has chat history, indicators, and example questions, download button and footer (disclaimer) in user interface.

Details about each Chain:

  1. Documentation site : Dataset :

    • This chain can retrieve data from cBioPortal documentation(markdown files) with a URL of document reference.
    • Markdown files were loaded and splitter by customised Markdown loader .
    • Defined a function of adding documentation file url in metadata(inside Markdown loader)
    • This database contains 81 markdown files
    • Used Maximal marginal relevance as search type this chain
  2. Google Conversation chain : Dataset:

    • This chain can retrieve data from last 3 years Google Group Conversation from cBioPortal. The format of conversations is Mbox.
    • Cleaned mbox file by deleting base64 string image and only keep email_from, email_to, email_subject,and email_text, also converted mbox to json in this file
    • combined messages from same conversations in this file
    • Used a json loader and defined separator, such as new line, to load and split data using load_and_split function
    • Cleaned the embedding queue in vector database by deleting repeated rows which cause the size to be 100 times larger
  3. PubMed Central papers chain : Dataset:

    • This chain can retrieve data from 200+ PubMed central papers used in 411 cBioPortal studies.
    • Defined a PubMed Central loader to download pmc papers from S3 and extract full-text to load
    • Used PyMuPDFLoader (can read multi-column) to load pmc papers only in pdf format
    • Added study information as metadata for each chunk in PMC database
    • Contribute the PubMed Central loader to Langchain
  4. cBioportal OPENAPI chain : Dataset:

    • This chain can retrieve study and sample data from cBioportal Endpoints
    • Defined a retriever to handle API call responses
    • Called the LLM a second time to generate a human-readable response.
    • Generated a yaml file to support OpenAPI call
    • Return “Sorry, no keywords of study found. ” when the default of api (return all the studies) is called.
  5. Making plots chain :

    • This chain can retrieve data from defined markdown plotting code example.
    • This chain can generate code of making plot from study and sample informations.
    • Bar chart, pie chart and scatter chart are all available to generate


Used Chroma to store embeddings. Exported vector databases with metadata in CSV files.

Create and persist embedding

   embeddings = AzureOpenAIEmbeddings(

   def create_and_save_embedding(raw_documents, persist_directory, embeddings):
     # This function creates embeddings using Azure OpenAI Embeddings and then saves these embeddings into a vector database using Chroma.
     # Parameters:
     # raw_documents: A list of documents that are split and ready to be processed for embedding.
     # persist_directory: The directory where the vector database will be saved for future use.
     # embeddings: embedding function above

       vectordb = Chroma.from_documents(
       return vectordb

   def reuse_embedding(persist_directory,embedding_function):
       # This function loads and reuses a previously saved vector database containing document embeddings.
       # Parameters:
       # persist_directory is the path saved in the function above
       # embeddings: embedding function above

       vectordb = Chroma(persist_directory=persist_directory, embedding_function=embedding_function)
       return vectordb

Extract embeddings and save in CSV file

   #open a Chroma vector database
   db1 = Chroma(persist_directory="your_vectorDB_path")
   count = db1._collection.count()

   def extract_and_write_data(db1, output_file, num_lines=count):
    with open(output_file, "w", newline='') as f:
        writer = csv.writer(f, quoting=csv.QUOTE_ALL)
        writer.writerow(['id', 'text_model', 'document_content', 'embeddings'])
        for i in range(num_lines):
            res = db1._collection.get(limit=1, offset=i, include=["embeddings"])
            doc = db1._collection.get(limit=1, offset=i, include=["documents"])
            metadata = db1._collection.get(limit=1, offset=i, include=["metadatas"])
            text_model = "text-embedding-ada-002"
            for j in range(len(res['ids'])):
                if j < len(res['embeddings']):
                    id_value = res['ids'][j]
                    metadata_content = metadata['metadatas'][j]
                    document_content = doc["documents"][j]  
                    if document_content: 
                        embeddings = ",".join(map(str, res['embeddings'][j]))  # Convert embeddings list to comma-separated string       
                        writer.writerow([id_value, text_model, document_content, embeddings])
   extract_and_write_data(db1, "your_file.csv")


Dockerized the whole project including all the embedding databases: Docker link:


  1. Recommend create a Azure Openai gpt4 account(chat completions)

  2. Create a .env file contains content below:








  3. To Run: docker run -p 7860:7860 --env-file .env xinlingwang/chatbot:final

  4. Open browser and go to⁠





Language:Jupyter Notebook 100.0%