candidosales / SocialFeed.js

Generate a social feed in javascript.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Easily create a feed with your latest interactions on different social media. SocialFeed.js was inspired by the compiled feed on, and was designed to be very modular and plugable.


At this moment the following features are implemented:

  • Github
  • Youtube Video Uploads
  • Disqus
  • RSS Feeds
  • Delicious

However, expading SocialFeed.js is a simple task. See Expading SocialFeed.js for more information.

See SocialFeed.js in use at my personal site.

Installation & Usage



Manually Download

Installing SocialFeed.js is simple. Just download the raw JavaScript file and optionally the CSS file.

Using Bower

bower install socialfeed

Import all dependancies and the SocialFeed.js code.

    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="socialfeed.min.css">
    <div id="socialfeed"></div>
    <!-- Import Scripts -->
    <script src="components/jquery/jquery.js"></script>
    <script src="components/socialfeed/socialfeed.min.js"></script>


SocialFeed.js is very modular, and every different social site is implemented as it's own module. By default, no social site is added, you have to explicitly add every social function. This to be as customizable as possible.

SocialFeed has a simple constructor. If you only pass it a jQuery event, all module items will be rendered, but you can restrict this by passing the count-option. Even if count is 5, all module items are fetched from the different APIs, but only the first 5 are rendered.


new SocialFeed({
    el: $('#foo')
  , count: 10 // defaults to 1000
  , offset: 10 // defaults to 0. Start rendering from offset.

If you set offset to N, the first N items won't show.


new SocialFeed($('#foo'));

Let's see how we can add Github and Delicious as a part of the feed (using the template as defined above.):

var sfeed = new SocialFeed({
                el: $("#socialfeed")
              , count: 10
            .addModule(new SocialFeed.Modules.Github('mikaelbr')) // argument: username
            .addModule(new SocialFeed.Modules.Delicious('mikaelbr')) // argument: username

This will populate the #socialfeed element when data from both of the social sites are loaded.

Note, if you omit the start(). Nothing will happen. SocialFeed() waits until explicitly told to initiate.

Disqus requires a public API key to access data, so we have an extra argument when adding the module:

var sfeed = new SocialFeed($("#socialfeed"))
                  .addModule(new SocialFeed.Modules.Disqus('mikaelbr', 'OEMdBc63xd0MZGKiVV5JgExTqdO7OSYkjgv613LJ8Py89y44pcoSKeBrelZjepVS'))

Built in Modules

Every built in module is under the namespace SocialFeed.Modules.

Module Description
Github(username[, hideEvents = None]) Shows all your events on github, including create repositories, starring, forking, pull requesting, pushing.
YouTubeUploads(username[, count = 10]) Shows uploaded YouTube videos. Sorted by updated time, not published.
Disqus(username, public_api_key) Show your public comments made on Disqus.
Delicious(username) Shows your shared bookmarks.
Delicious(rssUrl, count) Fetches the count number of posts from your RSS feed at rssUrl


SocialFeed exposes several functions and events.


Method Description
.start() Initiate SocialFeed.js.
.reload() Reload content. Fetch new data from social channels.
.addModule(Module) Add a new module to the feed.
.on(eventType, callback) Listen for an event on the feed. See Events


To listen for a event use:

var sfeed = new SocialFeed($("#socialfeed"));
sfeed.on('eventName', function() { /* body */ });

or for Modules:

var mod = new SocialFeed.Modules.Github('mikaelbr');
mod.on('eventName', function() { /* body */ });

Events for a feed

Event Type Passed arguments Description
start None Triggered when .start() is called
reload None Triggered when .reload() is called
moduleAdded AddedModule Triggered when module is added
preFetch None Triggered before fetching data from modules.
postFetch AllModules[] Triggered when all modules are fetched
dataReady SortedHTMLList, AllModules[] Triggered when all data is generated as HTML.
rendered SortedHTMLList{from _offset, to count} Triggered when rendering new items. Passes the sorted HTML list with the rendered entities.
error Module, jqXHR, AjaxOptions Triggered when error fetching some module data.

Events for a module

Event Type Passed arguments Description
error Module, jqXHR, AjaxOptions Triggered on error fetching module data.
fetched Module, jqXHR, AjaxOptions Triggered when data for module is fetched.

Expanding SocialFeed.js

Adding new Social sites.

You can easily add new modules to SocialFeed.js. See code for example:

var NewModule = SocialFeed.Modules.extend({
  init: function(ident, count) {
    // Constructor. Omit to use default one with only "ident".
    this.ident = ident;
    this.count = count;

  , url: function () {
    // URL can also be a string, but having it as a function
    // allows us to pass the ident value. ident is the first argument
    // to the module constructor.
    return '' + this.ident + '&count=' + this.count;

  , parse: function (resp) {
    // resp is the response from the AJAX call. Return a list of entities.
    return resp.result;

  , orderBy: function (item) {
    // orderBy must be implemented. Return a numeric value to sort by.
    // item is an entity from the results.
    return -(new Date(item.created_at)).getTime();

  , render: function (item) {
    // Return HTML representation of an entity.
    return '<p>' + item.message + '</p>';

var sfeed = new SocialFeed($("#socialfeed"))
                  .addModule(new NewModule('mikaelbr', 10))

Extend/Alter behaviour of existing module

You can change original behaviour of the pre-defined modules by extending them and overwriting their methods.


var Disqus = SocialFeed.Modules.Disqus.extend({
  render: function (item) {
    return '<p>Allways show this message!</p>';

var sfeed = new SocialFeed($("#socialfeed"))
                  .addModule(new Disqus('mikaelbr', 'OEMdBc63xd0MZGKiVV5JgExTqdO7OSYkjgv613LJ8Py89y44pcoSKeBrelZjepVS'))


See examples for more code snippets and help.


SocialFeed.js is very open for contributions. If you have built a module you think should be built in or find a bug, please send a pull request.

Also feel free to post issues at

Contribution guide

To set-up SocialFeed.js to run locally, do the following:

$ git clone git://
$ cd SocialFeed.js/

Install dependencies

$ make deps

This will install both the client side deps and browser side.


After making your changes, bundle a new version of SocialFeed.js.

From root, run

make bundle

This will build the JavaScript, compile LESS files and minify both. You can find the bundled files in the root directory.


Generate a social feed in javascript.

License:MIT License