camallen / pytorch-galaxy-datasets

PyTorch LightningDataModule for GZ2

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


PyTorch Datasets and PyTorch Lightning Datamodules for loading images and labels from Galaxy Zoo citizen science campaigns.

Name Class Published Downloadable Galaxies
Galaxy Zoo 2 GZ2 ~210k (main sample)
GZ Hubble Hubble ~106k (main sample)
GZ CANDELS Candels ~50k
GZ DECaLS GZD-5 DecalsDR5 ~230k
Galaxy Zoo Rings Rings ~93k
GZ Legacy Survey Legs z < 0.1 only ~375k + 8.3m unlabelled
CFHT Tidal* Tidal 1760 (expert)

Any datasets marked as downloadable but not marked as published are only downloadable internally (for development purposes).

If a dataset is published but not marked as downloadable (none currently), it means I haven't yet got around to making the download automatic. You can still download it via the paper instructions.

You may also be interested in Galaxy MNIST as a simple dataset for teaching/debugging.

For each dataset, you must cite/acknowledge the GZ data release paper and the original telescope survey from which the images were derived. See for the data release paper citations to use.

*CFHT Tidal is not a Galaxy Zoo dataset, but rather a small expert-labelled dataset of tidal features from Atkinson 2013. MW reproduced and modified the images in Walmsley 2019. We include it here as a challenging fine-grained morphology classification task with little labelled data.


For local development (e.g. adding a new dataset), you can install this by cloning from github, then running pip install -e . in the cloned repo root.

It will also be installed by default as a dependency of zoobot if you specify the pytorch version of zoobot - but this is slightly trickier if you'd like to make changes as it'll be installed under your sitepackages.


You can load each prepared dataset as a pytorch Dataset like so:

from pytorch_galaxy_datasets.prepared_datasets import GZ2Dataset

gz2_dataset = GZ2Dataset(
image, label = gz2_dataset[0]

You will probably want to customise the dataset, selecting a subset of galaxies or labels. Do this with the {dataset}_setup() methods.

from pytorch_galaxy_datasets.prepared_datasets import gz2_setup

catalog, label_cols = gz2_setup(
adjusted_catalog = gz2_catalog.sample(1000)

You can then customise the catalog and labels before creating a generic GalaxyDataset, which can be used with your own transforms etc. like any other pytorch dataset

from pytorch_galaxy_datasets.galaxy_dataset import GalaxyDataset

dataset = GalaxyDataset(

For training models, I recommend using Pytorch Lightning and GalaxyDataModule, which has default transforms for supervised learning.

from pytorch_galaxy_datasets.galaxy_datamodule import GalaxyDataModule

datamodule = GalaxyDataModule(

for images, labels in datamodule.train_dataloader():
    print(images.shape, labels.shape)

You can also get the canonical catalog and label_cols from the Dataset, if you prefer.

gz2_catalog = gz2_dataset.catalog
gz2_label_cols = gz2_dataset.label_cols

Download Notes

Datasets are downloaded like:

  • {root}
    • images
      • subfolder (except GZ2)
        • image.jpg
    • {catalog_name(s)}.parquet


PyTorch LightningDataModule for GZ2

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Jupyter Notebook 82.0%Language:Python 16.6%Language:Shell 1.4%