calvinmetcalf / rollup-plugin-node-builtins

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Creating a browser bundle that depends on Node.js built-in module ('events'). You might need to include

fab1o opened this issue · comments

What's the solution to have the external events module code included in the bundle for browsers in iife or umd format?

I tried using browserify-compatible version with no luck.

Creating a browser bundle that depends on Node.js built-in module ('events'). You might need to include
No name was provided for external module '...\node_modules\rollup\dist\rollup.js' in options.globals – guessing 'events'
// src/index.js

import EventEmitter from 'events';

const emiter = new EventEmitter();

export function emit() {

export default {};
// gulpfile.js

    const bundle = await rollup.rollup({
        input: './src/index.js',
        external: ['events'],
        plugins: [
            multiEntry(), // rollup-plugin-multi-entry
            nodeResolve({ // rollup-plugin-node-resolve
                module: true,
                browser: true,
                preferBuiltins: false
            commonjs({ // rollup-plugin-commonjs
                include: 'node_modules/**'
            globals(), // rollup-plugin-node-globals
            builtins(), // rollup-plugin-node-builtins 
            babel({ // rollup-plugin-babel
                babelrc: false,
                exclude: 'node_modules/**',
                runtimeHelpers: true,
                externalHelpers: false,
                plugins: [
                presets: => {
                    if (preset === 'env') {
                        return ['env', {
                            targets: {
                                browsers: ['last 2 versions']
                            modules: false,
                            loose: true
                    return preset;

    return bundle.write({
        file: 'ouput.js',
        format: 'iife',
        sourcemap: false,
        name: 'window',
        extend: true
// output.js

this.window = this.window || {};
(function (exports,EventEmitter) {
'use strict';
EventEmitter = EventEmitter && EventEmitter.hasOwnProperty('default') ? EventEmitter['default'] : EventEmitter;

var emiter = new EventEmitter();

function emit() {

exports.emit = emit;

}((this.window= this.window|| {}),EventEmitter));

Browser error:
Uncaught ReferenceError: EventEmitter is not defined

the external property you're setting in the config means 'don't include events' which is why events arn't being included, it should work if your remove that

That works, thanks! I was thinking the opposite about the external property.