callstack / react-native-multibundle

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This native modules allows you to use multiple bundles in your React Native app. It can be used directly as a standalone native module or as a reference for implementing your custom native module, septic to your needs.

This project is still work in progress:

Apart from the changes in the RN (see React Native PRs above), you will need a bundles that will create a valid bundles that can work together and:

  1. Each non-initial bundle is available under global[bundleName] or this[bundleName] (when this refers to top-level global variable), for example bundle app0 should be available under global['app0'] or this['app0'].
  2. Each non-initial bundle's entry point must be exported as default export.

Running E2E tests

E2E are based on Appium/WDIO and are located in Example/e2e directory.


  • iOS: carthage (brew install carthage) and installed Pods (cd ios && pod install)
  • Android: running Android Emulator

To build the Example app and run E2E tests run:

  • yarn e2e:ios
  • yarn e2e:android

To only run E2E without building an app (assuming it was built before):

  • yarn e2e:run-ios
  • yarn e2e:run-android

Please make sure you have Android Emulator already running.

If iOS E2E test is crashing with message unable to create session, please make sure the following commands works:

cd Example/node_modules/appium-webdriveragent && \
carthage bootstrap --platform iOS,tvOS

If it fails, you need to tweak build/derived data paths in Xcode preferences:

Go to XCode -> Preferences -> Locations and set Derived Data to Default, then click Advanced and select Unique.



Language:JavaScript 38.1%Language:Objective-C 18.8%Language:Java 16.8%Language:Ruby 13.3%Language:Starlark 6.9%Language:TypeScript 6.1%