callstack / react-native-image-editor

A library providing an API for cropping images from the web and the local file system.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

ReactNative 0.62

gustavoschmidt opened this issue · comments


package.json lists react-native peer dependency with versions ">=0.57 <0.62".
Does this library work with react-native 0.62?
If not, any tips on how to work on an update?

I'm asking because I'm having trouble making it work in an app with react-native 0.62.2 on iOS (on Android it works fine).

Hi @gustavoschmidt

According to the release notes for 2.3.0 it should support react-native 0.62, but it has not been written correctly in the package.json. It should have been ">=0.57 =<0.62" or ">=0.57 <0.63".

this package supports all modern RN versions

fix: #125