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Zuul server issues ... http vs https (blog might be inaccurate?), also 404 errors

floer32 opened this issue · comments

Hey there. Thanks for a really great blog series and source code. Really helpful stuff.

I ran into my first issue when trying to hit the Zuul server. The first issue was that Zuul is configured for SSL so you're not going to get a response ...

$ curl -s "http://localhost:8765/review?productId=1"

This should probably be updated in the blog but you can figure it out yourself ... then you try it with HTTPS and you just get 404s:

$ curl -k -s "https://localhost:8765/review?productId=1"
{"timestamp":1440286261622,"status":404,"error":"Not Found","message":"Not Found","path":"/review"}%

Other requests to the Zuul host/port also produce 404s.

I tried removing the ssl block from the application.yml config file (in microservices/edge-server). Didn't expect this to change things, and it did not change things:

$ curl -s "http://localhost:8765/review?productId=1"
{"timestamp":1440286558946,"status":404,"error":"Not Found","message":"Not Found","path":"/review"}

I've looked around a bit but since I'm new to NetflixOSS, Zuul, etc., I don't think I'll get an understanding of this until I start slow/from-scratch, instead of diving in ... so sorry I can't be of too much help, but I thought I might notify you, in case there's been some drift between source code & blog post content, and you might know what the issue is immediately.

Thanks again for the great content.

Aha. It works if I checkout M2. Just picked M2 because it was very close to the date the blog post went up. I could try and bisect to find the working commit ... Maybe you have some insight into the difference though. In any case, perhaps the blog post should be updated, to tell users to check out a certain release/tag, so this confusion is avoided?

$ curl -k  http://localhost:8765/productcomposite/product/1
{"productId":1,"name":"name","weight":123,"recommendations":[{"recommendationId":1,"author":"Author 1","rate":1},{"recommendationId":2,"author":"Author 2","rate":2},{"recommendationId":3,"author":"Author 3","rate":3}],"reviews":[{"reviewId":1,"author":"Author 1","subject":"Subject 1"},{"reviewId":2,"author":"Author 2","subject":"Subject 2"},{"reviewId":3,"author":"Author 3","subject":"Subject 3"}]}