cairoeth / preconfirmations

🔌 Preconfirmations protocol for sub-second transaction confirmations on Ethereum.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Contract Addresses are wrong

samlaf opened this issue · comments

make run-operator results in

panic: Failed to create EL Reader, Writer and Subscriber: Failed to create AVSRegistryContractBindings: Failed to fetch ServiceManager address: no contract code at given address

Seems like you redeployed and forgot to update the contracts? Both the deployment_output and operator config list 0x9E545E3C0baAB3E08CdfD552C960A1050f373042 as the avs registry coordinator, but

make run-anvil
cast code 0x9E545E3C0baAB3E08CdfD552C960A1050f373042

results in 0x

Not able to replicate to get that error. Can you run:

make run-anvil
cast code 0x9E545E3C0baAB3E08CdfD552C960A1050f373042 --rpc-url

It should return the bytecode

Anvil state contains the bytecode for address 0x9e545e3c0baab3e08cdfd552c960a1050f373042, so if anvil loads it correctly, it should be good

My bad! I had a docker instance of anvil running with redirecting to it, so it was getting precedence by the cast default --rpc-url. I always assumed the cast default rpc-url was localhost:8545 but it seems like its not... or there's some funky networking redirect in docker that I don't understand. Closing :)