cagov / ui-claim-tracker

This repo contains the Claim Status Tracker app, which helps Californians better understand what’s happening with their unemployment claim and benefits.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Simplify business logic flow if isBye is always returned by the API

lomky opened this issue · comments


If it turns out that isBye is a garunteed field in the API response, we can simplify several pieces of logic, as noted by @rocketnova in #516. We will also need to update our 'null' error reponse catches to expect it.

This work is blocked until we see how the API handles the new field.

Acceptance Criteria

  • Simplify business logic if BYE is garunteed
  • Update base API response expectations

Moving out of R2 feature release per conversation on 11/10 with @lomky