c9 / core

Cloud9 Core - Part of the Cloud9 SDK for Plugin Development https://c9.github.io/core/ https://c9.io

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Solarized theme cannot affect left panel

fuzihaofzh opened this issue · comments

When I set the theme for solarized. The left panel and the buttons are white rather than the solarized yellow. How to make the left panel and the button area the same theme setting?


You have to choose another UI Theme for changing this part of Cloud9 or manually edit Cloud9 CSS file to adapt the colors.

Try this:

.c9terminal .c9terminalcontainer, .session_btn:not(.curbtn) .tab_middle, .session_btn:not(.curbtn) .tab_middle:after, .session_btn:not(.curbtn) .tab_middle:before {
    background-color: rgb(253, 246, 227);

.curbtn .tab_middle, .curbtn .tab_middle::after, .curbtn .tab_middle::before, .editor_tab .session_page.curpage, .c9-menu-bar .c9-mbar-cont, .curbtn .tab_middle, .curbtn .tab_middle::after, .curbtn .tab_middle::before, .ace_tree_scroller, .panelsbuttonDown,  .ace-solarized-light .ace_gutter, .panelsbuttonDown:hover, .ace_scrollbar, .curbtn .tab_middle, .curbtn .tab_middle::after, .curbtn .tab_middle::before, .curbtn .tab_middle, .curbtn .tab_middle::after, .curbtn .tab_middle::before, .curbtn .tab_middle, .curbtn .tab_middle::after, .curbtn .tab_middle::before {
    background-color: rgb(238, 232, 213) !important;

.session_btn.over:not(.curbtn) .tab_middle, .session_btn.over:not(.curbtn) .tab_middle:after, .session_btn.over:not(.curbtn) .tab_middle:before{
    background-color: rgb(211, 203, 183);

.c9-menu-btnOver, .panelsbar, .panelsbutton.gotoanything, .filetree .tree-row.selected, .panelsbutton.gotoanything:hover, .basic.left, .editor_tab .btnsesssioncontainer, .ace_button:hover, .find-and-replace {
    background-color: rgb(221, 214, 193);

.panelsbar, .panelsbutton.gotoanything, .panelsbutton.gotoanything:hover, .basic.left, .editor_tab .btnsesssioncontainer, .ace_button:hover, .find-and-replace{
    box-shadow: none;

.basic.right .panelsbar {
    box-shadow: 0 1px 0 rgb(211, 203, 183);
    top: -1px;

.c9-menu-bar .c9-mbar-cont {
    border-bottom: 1px solid rgb(211, 203, 183);

.editor_tab .btnsesssioncontainer {
    box-shadow: 0 -1px 0 0 rgb(211, 203, 183) inset, 0 1px 0 0 transparent inset, 0 1px 0 transparent;
    border-top: 1px solid rgb(211, 203, 183);

.ace-solarized-light .ace_print-margin {
    width: 0;