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Can't build statically if a library depends on window or document

cwervo opened this issue · comments

I recognize this is a special case so feel free to not support it!

I'm trying to get A-Frame (a webVR library) running within x0. It works with the development server:

animated gif-downsized_large

Unfortunately after running x0 build docs --static I get an error about window being undefined.

x0  @compositor/x0
 x0  ⠋ building static sitewebpack:///./node_modules/aframe/dist/aframe-master.js?:75415
window.hasNativeWebVRImplementation = !!window.navigator.getVRDisplays || !!window.navigator.getVRDevices;

ReferenceError: window is not defined
    at Object.148.../package (webpack:///./node_modules/aframe/dist/aframe-master.js?:75415:1)
    at s (webpack:///./node_modules/aframe/dist/aframe-master.js?:1:398)
    at e (webpack:///./node_modules/aframe/dist/aframe-master.js?:1:569)
    at eval (webpack:///./node_modules/aframe/dist/aframe-master.js?:1:598)
    at eval (webpack:///./node_modules/aframe/dist/aframe-master.js?:1:62)
    at eval (webpack:///./node_modules/aframe/dist/aframe-master.js?:1:83)
    at Object../node_modules/aframe/dist/aframe-master.js (/Users/sagejenson/dev/web_dev/x0-cwervo-test/dist/TEMP/App.js:5722:1)
    at __webpack_require__ (/Users/sagejenson/dev/web_dev/x0-cwervo-test/dist/TEMP/App.js:30:30)
    at eval (webpack:///./docs/about.js?:26:1)
    at Object../docs/about.js (/Users/sagejenson/dev/web_dev/x0-cwervo-test/dist/TEMP/App.js:5699:1)

I'm not too familiar with webpack but I recognize this is usually because the compilation environment assumes it's running in node, so I tried making this webpack.config.js:

// webpack.config.js
module.exports = {
    target: 'web'

But I get the same error, with & without --static for x0 build docs.

Note: this also happens when I try adding three.js, a popular 3D rendering library. If I add let window = {} the docs build step lets me know that document is not defined and so compilation of Three fails.

Any idea what custom configuration I should do here or if there's something that can be done on the x0 side?

I am having this same issue with document when using a 3rd party library too

webpack:///./node_modules/soundcloud-audio/index.js?:48 this.audio = document.createElement('audio');

ReferenceError: document is not defined

@andrescuervo Did you find any solution to work around this?

@imhuyqn Nope, haven't had time to look into it, maybe @jxnblk knows a workaround?

Ah actually @imhuyqn I just figured out a small work around:

Wrapping any code that relies on window like this:

if (typeof window !== 'undefined') {
  // code goes here

means gets the x0 build docs compiling. Hope that helps! Not going to close this until this gets looked at by someone more knowledgeable than me though, because I suspect this isn't best practice & I'm missing something about the way I'm using window.