c5shen / GPU-BLAST-plus

A class project for CS508 from UIUC to implement the classic BLAST algorithm using different GPU computing techniques.

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A class project for CS508 from UIUC to implement the classic BLAST algorithm using different GPU computing techniques.

Members: Chengze Shen, Kaining Zhou, Zhuxuan Liu, Zutai Chen

Original BLASTN algorithm for mapping sequences to a database (of sequences)

  1. For each input unmapped sequence, represent it with consecutive words of length W.
  2. The matched positions are referred to as hits.
  3. Hits are extended to ungapped alignments, allowing for mismatches.
  4. Ungapped extensions that pass a certain threshold score are passed to gapped alignments.
  5. Gapped alignments that pass a certain threshold score are saved as "preliminary results".
  6. Preliminary matches are considered for ambiguities (e.g., ambiguous nucleotides) and indel locations.
  7. Results are then reported back to users.

Current reference for how to do the project

  • G-BLASTN by Kaiyong Zhao and Xiaowen Chu. link to software.
    • at the time of publication, G-BLASTN compared to BLAST v2.2.28. In our analysis we will run the G-BLASTN and our implementation and compare to the latest BLAST version (v2.13.0).

Main idea for speedup

  • Scanning stage of G-BLASTN --> broken into two sub-steps, (1) "scan" and (2) "lookup" .
    • "scan" goes over each database sequence in parallel and records offsets in the sequence that have >= 1 matches to a query.
    • "lookup" is another kernel that re-checks all matched offsets and obtain the corresponding matched offset pairs (of database and query sequences).
    • MERITS:
      1. Having 2 sub-steps (kernels) greatly reduces control divergence.
      2. Using shared memory to record offsets in the "scan" sub-step. This is similar to what we did in the BFS lab (block-queuing kernel).
      1. TBD



We will use the latest version of the Homo Sapien whole genome assembly available on NCBI.

  • The one used in G-BLASTN is an older version (NCBI36, #accession GCF_000001405.12).
  • The new one we will use is an aggregated database including five genomes (human, mouse, cat, dog, and gorilla):
    • Human: #accession GCF_000001405.40.
    • Mouse: #accession GCF_000001635.27.
    • Cat: #accession GCF_018350175.1.
    • Dog: #accession GCF_000002285.5.
    • Gorilla: #accession GCF_029281585.1.
  • The combined database can be found at here.
  • To create the database (blast database version 4) locally using makeblastdb, run the following command:
makeblastdb -in [path/to/fasta] -parse_seqids -blastdb_version 4 -title "homo_sapien_grch38" -dbtype nucl
  • To use the created database when running blastn or gblastn, input the db as follows (assuming the database has been created under the same directory as the fasta file):
blastn -db <path/to/fasta> ... [other parameters]
gblastn -db <path/to/fasta> ... [other parameters]

Query sequences

We will use the same set of query sequences used in G-BLASTN to search against the target database mentioned above.

Running BLASTN

(IMPORTANT) Compiling BLAST-2.2.28+ (for G-BLASTN to work):

NCBI BLAST+ is a mess for newer compiler and linux system to compile. Although its binaries generally work, it is quite hard to compile the codes locally. To compile ncbi-blast-2.2.28+-src successfully, some files need to change (see files in to_change.tar.gz).

After decompressing files from to_change.tar.gz, there will be two folders: *. to_change/include/ *. to_change/your-configured-folder/

Assume you already downloaded and decompressed the source codes of BLAST+ and you are in the directory ncbi-blast-2.2.28+-src/c++, and you have run ./configure already, do the following steps:

  1. Copy and overwrite files (remember to make backups) in to_change/include to the corresponding directories in ncbi-lbast-2.2.28+-src/c++/include.
  2. Change line 4749 of "c++/src/build-system/configure" script, add "7" or "7.*" to support GC 7.0.0 or 7+.
  3. After running ./configure, you should have generated a folder under ncbi-blast-2.2.28+-src/c++, for example, ncbi-blast-2.2.28+-src/c++/GCC750-Debug64 depending on your system and compiler version.
    • Copy to_change/your-configured-folder/build/Makefile.lib and overwite (make a backup) the corresponding ncbi-blast-2.2.28+-src/c++/your-configured-folder/build/Makefile.lib.
  4. Now, try running make or make -j (using all available cores for compiling) and hope everything works.
  5. If step 3 works without errors, you should have successfully compiled binaries in directory ncbi-blast-2.2.28+-src/c++/your-configured-folder/bin. Then, you can install g-blastn by using this path.
(IMPORTANT) (Cont.) Compiling G-BLASTN:
  1. To simplify the process, all files used to compile G-BLASTN on Chengze's environment is uploaded to https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ecGFSnw80KM6_ofPhCZx-XhdFCR00oMu/view?usp=share_link. The compiled file has BLASTN compiled already, so a new user should probably remove the entire ncbi-blast-2.2.28+-src/ folder and follow the steps above to rebuild BLASTN.
  2. After getting the correctly compiled BLASTN, the user can try to compile G-BLASTN using either ./install or ./install.noask, for which the user needs to change the LINE 50: installed_dir= to the BLASTN bin/ folder. 2.2 Additionally, the user needs to change one additional file at c++/src/algo/blast/gpu_blast/makefile. G-BLASTN requires the header files from ~/NVIDIA_CUDA-{version}_Samples/common/inc to work, so please change LINE 18: COMMON_DIR := to the correct path.
  3. If everything is done correctly, you should be able to compile G-BLASTN, but might face issues running it on test dataset (I am struggling too).

CURRENT ISSUES Although BLAST+ can compile now (with the instructions above), compilation for GPU codes still have issues that have not been resolved, which Chengze Shen is currently working on.


To run blastn with a given database and a given set of query sequences (without WindowMasker and DUST):

blastn -db <database> -query <query> -task blastn -outfmt 7 -out <file> \
        -num_threads <1|4|8>

To run gblastn similarly:

gblastn -db <database> -query <query> -task blastn -outfmt 7 -out <file> \
        -use_gpu true -mode <1|2> -num_threads <1|4|8>

Task division

4.13.2023 - 4.20.2023

  1. Chengze Shen - improvement of G-BLASTN, mainly on warp-queuing for the seeding step.
  2. Kaining Zhou -
  3. Zhuxuan Liu -
  4. Zutai Chen -


A class project for CS508 from UIUC to implement the classic BLAST algorithm using different GPU computing techniques.

License:MIT License


Language:Cuda 97.5%Language:Python 1.5%Language:Shell 0.9%