c4spar / deno-cliffy

Command line framework for deno 🦕 Including Commandline-Interfaces, Prompts, CLI-Table, Arguments Parser and more...

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How to include a boolean option in front of an argument

SamEdwardes opened this issue · comments

Hi Cliffy team, great work! I have really enjoyed using cliffy so far. I have a question about boolean options.

In my experience, it is a common CLI pattern to be able to have a boolean option flag that:

  • takes no values
  • can go before or after the commands argument(s)

For example:

apt-get install -y tree
apt-get install tree -y

The command works either way. I am having trouble doing the same with cliffy. Here is a reprex:

// reprex.ts
import { Command } from "https://deno.land/x/cliffy@v0.25.7/command/mod.ts";
await new Command()
  .description("hello world")
  .option("-y, --yes [yes:boolean]", "Would you like to?",)
  .action(({ yes }, name) => {
      console.log("--yes:", yes)
      console.log("argument:", name)
❯ deno run reprex.ts "sam"
--yes: undefined
argument: sam

❯ deno run reprex.ts "sam" -y
--yes: true
argument: sam

❯ deno run reprex.ts -y "sam"

  Usage:   hello <name>
  Version: 0.1.0       


    hello world


    -h, --help            - Show this help.                            
    -V, --version         - Show the version number for this program.  
    -y, --yes      [yes]  - Would you like to?                         

  error: Option "--yes" must be of type "boolean", but got "sam". Expected values: "true", "false", "1", "0"

It is possible in cliffy to achieve the same behaviour is you get with apt-get install?