c42f / displaz

A hackable lidar viewer

Home Page:http://c42f.github.io/displaz

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

query mouse wheel + Ctrl from within python

Rheinwalt opened this issue · comments


thank you for this amazing peace of software! I'm using it a lot. Currently we're trying to hack together a landscape evolution visualization using displaz (see https://github.com/Geo-X-Hackathon/displaz-landscape-evolution). As of now this is showing the landscape evolution as a 3d video of some sort, which cannot be controlled in terms of playback. We would like to be able to interact with that via displaz as well. Would it be possible to grab keystrokes and such from within python? We would like to have something like an event loop that listens for 'Space' for pausing and maybe Ctrl+Wheel for rewind? Do have something like the example.py that does something similar?
