c42f / displaz

A hackable lidar viewer

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Automated rendering tests

c42f opened this issue · comments

As discussed at JuliaLang/METADATA.jl#6436 (review) it would be nice to have some rendering tests running in travis, though might be tricky. Some relevant parts of the discussion:

Testing in a virtualized headless environment will be "interesting" as it normally depends on a working X windows and working OpenGL 3.3 implementation to actually do anything useful. Steps for an end-to-end test could be something like:

  • Ensure displaz-gui can even start in a headless environment (looks possible via xvfb https://docs.travis-ci.com/user/gui-and-headless-browsers/ ?)
  • Ensure we can get an OpenGL 3.3 context on travis (dubious? travis-ci/travis-ci#5645 )
  • Implement a proper scriptable screenshot command (semi-working one at #98 )
  • Create test data for displaz-gui to send via a shell script, point the camera somewhere, etc.
  • Compare screenshots against reference images with an image diff algorithm of some kind.