c0r73x / neotags.nvim

Tag highlight in neovim

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

No HighLight

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Today I'm trying to bring some better highlight on my neovim config. Because I really think that could help if this code was more readable:

#define FOO int

FOO test;

Class Foo2 {};

Foo2 test2;

I want to see FOO and Foo2 with some colors, and that's why I wanted to use [neotags][1] (so neotags should be able to resolve this right?)

So why even with let g:neotags_enabled = 1 and the tags file which is generated correctly (I can see define and class), I still don't have colors even when I remove every other plugins?

I'm such a noob, seems that let g:neotags_highlight default value is not 1 for me. Doc not updated or issue?
But still, the color is pretty hard to see, how can I change the colors?


I'm trying to fix it. I've got a problem where some functions dont want to run, and sometimes crash the plugin when you run "nvim [file]" because of that i disabled the highlight feature on load, you have to save the file one time to trigger it.

Yes you can change the colors, this is what i use in my colorscheme.

" neotags {{{2
" c/cpp {{{3
call s:h("cTypeTag",                { "fg": s:brown })
call s:h("cPreProcTag",             { "fg": s:purple })
call s:h("cFunctionTag",            { "fg": s:darkred })

call s:h("cMemberTag",              { "link": "cMember" })
call s:h("cEnumTag",                { "link": "cEnum" })

call s:h("cppTypeTag",              { "fg": s:brown })
call s:h("cppPreProcTag",           { "fg": s:purple })
call s:h("cppFunctionTag",          { "fg": s:darkred })

call s:h("cppMemberTag",            { "link": "cppMember" })
call s:h("cppEnumTag",              { "link": "cppEnum" })
" 3}}}
" java {{{3
call s:h("JavaClassTag",            { "fg": s:brown })
call s:h("JavaInterfaceTag",        { "fg": s:purple })
call s:h("JavaMethodTag",           { "fg": s:darkred })
" 3}}}
" perl {{{3
call s:h("perlFunctionTag",         { "fg": s:darkred })
" 3}}}
" ruby {{{3
call s:h("rubyModuleNameTag",       { "fg": s:darkgreen })
call s:h("rubyClassNameTag",        { "fg": s:brown })
call s:h("rubyMethodNameTag",       { "fg": s:darkred })
" 3}}}
" shell {{{3
call s:h("shFunctionTag",           { "fg": s:darkred })
" 3}}}
" vim {{{3
call s:h("vimAutoGroupTag",         { "fg": s:purple })
call s:h("vimCommandTag",           { "fg": s:brown })
call s:h("vimFuncNameTag",          { "fg": s:darkred })
call s:h("vimScriptFuncNameTag",    { "fg": s:darkred })
" 3}}}
" python {{{3
call s:h("pythonFunctionTag",       { "fg": s:darkred })
call s:h("pythonMethodTag",         { "fg": s:darkred })
call s:h("pythonClassTag",          { "fg": s:brown })
" 3}}}
" php {{{3
call s:h("phpFunctionsTag",         { "fg": s:darkred })
call s:h("phpClassesTag",           { "fg": s:brown })
" 3}}}
" javascript {{{3
call s:h("javascriptFunctionTag",   { "fg": s:darkred })
call s:h("javascriptClassTag",      { "fg": s:brown })
call s:h("javascriptConstantTag",   { "fg": s:purple })
call s:h("javascriptMethodTag",     { "fg": s:darkred })
call s:h("javascriptObjectTag",     { "fg": s:cyan })
" 3}}}
" 2}}}

Thanks :) You was working on it, that's why I got a new error message, good to know.
That may sound stupid, but how do you declare s:brown? I didn't find :s

I define my colors like this

let s:brown      = { "gui": "#ffa000", "cterm": "3" }

then I have a function to set the colors

" util {{{1
function! s:h(group, style)
    if(has_key(a:style, "link"))
        exec "highlight! link " a:group a:style.link
        exec "highlight" a:group
                    \ "guifg="   (has_key(a:style, "fg")    ? a:style.fg.gui   : "NONE")
                    \ "guibg="   (has_key(a:style, "bg")    ? a:style.bg.gui   : "NONE")
                    \ "guisp="   (has_key(a:style, "sp")    ? a:style.sp.gui   : "NONE")
                    \ "gui="     (has_key(a:style, "deco")  ? a:style.gui      : "NONE")
                    \ "ctermfg=" (has_key(a:style, "fg")    ? a:style.fg.cterm : "NONE")
                    \ "ctermbg=" (has_key(a:style, "bg")    ? a:style.bg.cterm : "NONE")
                    \ "cterm="   (has_key(a:style, "deco")  ? a:style.cterm    : "NONE")
" 1}}}

Now highlighting should work as expected. You might have to run :UpdateRemoteTags to get the new changes.

Yes I'm able to see highlight right now, but my neovim is so slow.
I think it's because my ctags is huge "googletest was completely parsed because I have #include "gtest.h". Anyway to improve that? Anyway the issue is solved.

EDIT: I think g:neotags_recursive will resolve my lag.

I noticed that vim gets slow when I add big libs or system includes into the ctags files. Because of that I've added excludes for all libs in my config. That way i only get highlighting for my classes/functions.

Might not be what you want though.

Also switching to something like silver_searcher helps alot when generating the tag files.

I did that too but with ack directly, that really fast now :) I'm happy, thanks for your plugin.

Ah nice :)

No problem, I'm glad you like it ;)