c0b41 / gulp-htmltidy


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Not properly compiling inline elements in button

kevinlo123 opened this issue · comments

Hey all, I was working on creating a hamburger button for a menu I'm working on and for some reason I was having trouble with having my code render properly after using this library in my gulp file.

The code I'm trying to render:

  <button type="button" class="hamburger">
    <span class="line"></span>
    <span class="line"></span>
    <span class="line"></span>

Whats being rendered after I run this library in my gulpfile:
button type="button" class="hamburger"> </button>

How I'm using this library:

import htmltidy from 'gulp-htmltidy'

var options = {
  doctype: 'html5',
  hideComments: true,
  indent: true,

function build() {
  return gulp

For some reason when I remove this from my gulpfile it works fine.