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Chorus should be a synth-wide thing, not using `OSCS-1`

bwhitman opened this issue · comments

Chorus v2 will let you set “depth” aka mix aka level, “amp”, “freq” and “max_delay." (We discussed maybe letting waveform be changed, but SAW seems ok for now.)

We keep the chorus osc around as a separate individual thing and address it using 4 args, two of them are new. OSCS-1 is now useable for anything else.

"depth" should be how deeply modulated the delay is, i.e. the amplitude of the delay-modulating oscillator.

"level" should be how much chorus is added in to the final output, i.e. the gain factor applied to the output of the chorus delay.

"Depth" is current level? And "level" is current osc amp?

Current chorus.level is mix
level, aka "level".

Depth is currently controlled by the output amplitude of the chorus control oscillator 119 (osc=119, amp=X). It should become chorus.depth.

We confirmed we resolved this in the junopatches branch. will come out when we merge that