bvaughn / react-virtualized-auto-sizer

Standalone version of the AutoSizer component from react-virtualized

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Args is type `any` in latest version (1.0.18)

cmdcolin opened this issue · comments

See codesandbox

Edit: screenshot wasn't properly capturing the tooltip like I thought it removed screenshot, but can hover over the height/width in the sandbox to see the type is any

That's interesting. The types are good enough to warn about a mismatch if you add e.g. disableHeight={true} but they're reporting any for the values 🤔

If I pass children as an explicit prop it seems to work
Screen Shot 2023-05-29 at 4 05 39 PM

I'm not sure why TypeScript is distinguishing between a function passed as JSX child vs a children prop.

Here's how I'm testing the new type structure though:

Fixed in 63c6c8e. Will release in a bit.

I still have the same problem with 1.0.19. Types are any if passed as jsx child. Passing explicitly as children prop works though.

I'm using the latest version of typescript in my editor (5.0.4) and I have the same issue there.

@V-Mann-Nick could u prepare a repository that would showcase the problem?

Yeah sure. Here it is:

git clone
cd react-virtualized-auto-sizer-typing-bug
pnpm install
pnpm tsc

FWIW opening that repo locally picks up the correct types for me.
Screen Shot 2023-05-30 at 9 31 30 AM

The problem is likely related to contextual types for children used through the JSX children (and not through the explicit children prop on the component). We can see that it fails in 5.0.4 in this TS playground but it already works in the latest nightlies of TypeScript, see the playground here. I think that this has been fixed by one of my TypeScript PRs (see this one).

Since this was a bug in TypeScript itself... I'm not sure if I can figure out a library-land fix for this but gonna take another look at this some time later today.

On the flip side... this should start working in TS 5.1 which is supposed to get released... today 😅 (according to the timeline posted here)

Thanks Andarist!

Ok. I guess I'll just use the children prop for now and look at it again when TS 5.1 released. Perhaps worth reopening this issue until it has been resolved?

Thanks for the quick responses 👍

@bvaughn I think that somehow you are using a different TS version locally, ain't sure how though. Could you recheck with cmd+P: "Select TypeScript Version..."? I tested this repro and can observe the problem as expected

I tried a couple of things locally (different variations based on height?: never as similar) and can't make it work with TS 5.0. So if you intend to keep this shape of the API, I would advise just waiting for the 5.1 release which should come really soon.

Seems like I'm using a pre-release TS version (5.2 dev from a few days ago). Don't know why.

I'm sorry for the confusion this is causing folks, but I don't want to spend time reverting this change (the past couple of releases really) because of a TypeScript issue if it's being fixed/released today. This is a side side project for me.

To be clear, there is no "fix" really. The previous types were inaccurate. (They didn't have this "any" type issue, but they did incorrect report height/width when one had been disabled.)

I don't know of a good way type this that satisfies TypeScript, at least not without rewriting this component to be a function component (which may help but would also be a breaking change and raise the min React version).

The issue is in the TS version. It's this issue, which exits in Typescript v4 and is fixed in v5:


The issue is in the TS version. It's this issue, which exits in Typescript v4 and is fixed in v5:

@shiftyp Interesting. Why is @V-Mann-Nick seeing this problem with TypeScript 5.0.4?

I am using TS 5.1.3 and auto-sizer 1.0.20 and the problem stills happen. :(

You will either need to upgrade Typescript to the latest (5.1) or pass children as a. Explicit prop rather than JSX children. I can’t help/fix this otherwise.

Try this ({ width, height }: VerticalSize): ReactElement