bvaughn / react-resizable-panels

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Layout shift with latest version while pre-rendered on the server side

xeladotbe opened this issue · comments

In the latest version (1.0.4) you can see a layout shift when the panes are pre-rendered on the server side. With version 0.0.54 (which is also used in the example repository) there is no layout shift.

This example uses the latest version, here you can see the layout shift:

This examples uses 0.0.55, there is no layout shift:

Seeing the same issue as well.

I'm also facing same issue in Nextjs. Please fix this

Please fix this

This is a free library. If you’re offering to pay for a fix, then we can talk about a timeline/urgency. Otherwise, I’ll get to it when I get to it. :)

It goes without saying, but still needs saying, thank you for the effort @bvaughn

Thanks senadir.

This regression is likely due to a change in the format this component serializes persisted layout data to, which was done in order to support the request in #234. (Even small changes often come with a cost.) I'll think about the best way to fix this. I believe I was mistaken. I think the issue is the way the PanelGroup now defers calculation of style until mount, even if a defaultSize prop has been provided.

This issue has been fixed in 1.0.5.

Happy holidays.

❤️ → ☕

Hey @bvaughn,

thanks for the fix, unfortunately I still have the layout shifts with the latest version 1.0.5. I have updated the codesandbox link to reproduce the behavior.

Merry christmas!

There was a layout shift for me the first time I loaded that page, but not after that. Resizing and reloading after the first load works fine. I assume maybe you didn't initialize things to the same default on the server and client?

I have, as you can see in my codesandbox link the layout is stored in a cookie which is read and passed to the client component.

I just looked at your PR, shouldn't it actually be if (size == undefined) { or if (!size) { because size is initalized with const size = layout[panelIndex]; and that doesn't return null, I wrote a test locally for this case and so my static markup is initalized with flex-grow: <value>

 * @jest-environment node

import { renderToString } from "react-dom/server";
import { act } from "react-dom/test-utils";
import { Panel, PanelGroup, PanelResizeHandle } from ".";

describe("PanelGroup", () => {
  it("should render default sizes to html markup", () => {
    act(() => {
          <PanelGroup direction="horizontal" id="group-without-handle">
            <Panel defaultSize={30} />
            <PanelResizeHandle />
            <Panel defaultSize={70} />

I just looked at your PR, shouldn't it actually be if (size == undefined) { or if (!size) { because size is initalized with const size = layout[panelIndex]; and that doesn't return null

No, == null is shorthand for === undefined || === null

here is a video that shows the behavior I see with the latest version


I have a separate, local test Harness using Next.js that confirms the same behavior.

So you're reporting a different behavior than originally. Slight layout shift?

Not sure what to say. Using this Sandbox here is what I'm seeing:

okay, it must be my chrome, I can't reproduce the behavior in edge and firefox either. I also tried it in chrome in incognito mode, there I have the same problem. (I apologize for the inconvenience!)

I would like to buy you 2 coffees, but I don't have a credit card. are you on another platform where you can pay with paypal?

That’s pretty interesting. I wonder if it has something to do with an extension you have installed or something?

Thats very kind of you to offer. <3 uh…I’m on Venmo and Messenger (Pay) I guess 😅 if you really wanted you could email me and I’ll link you, but dont feel like to have to.

I can confirm the issue was fixed on my side, FWIW I saw this issue when using the component from shadcn/ui lib.