bvaughn / react-error-boundary

Simple reusable React error boundary component

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Error when rendering inside a server component in Next.js

tom-sherman opened this issue · comments

  • react-error-boundary version: 4.0.4
  • node version: 18.13.0
  • pnpm version: 8.2.0

Relevant code or config

import { ErrorBoundary } from "react-error-boundary";

export default function Home() {
  return (
    <ErrorBoundary fallback={<p>Whoops...</p>}>
      <Broken />

function Broken(): JSX.Element {
  throw new Error("Broken");

What you did:

Tried to render an error boundary inside a server component

What happened:

Got a build error

 error ./src/app/page.tsx

The "use client" directive must be placed before other expressions. Move it to the top of the file to resolve this issue.

 158 | var $faefaad95e5fcca0$exports = {};
 159 | 
 160 | 
 161 | "use client";
     : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 162 | $parcel$exportWildcard(module.exports, $6d6d4999e62b3ee0$exports);
 163 | $parcel$exportWildcard(module.exports, $4a61716688322eb0$exports);
 164 | $parcel$exportWildcard(module.exports, $3c4937b727a6fcfb$exports);

The error was caused by importing 'react-error-boundary/dist/react-error-boundary.js' in './src/app/page.tsx'.

Import path:

Reproduction repository:

Problem description:

Suggested solution:

It's fixed by moving the "use client" to the top of the module


FWIW it's already at the top of the entry file:

"use client";
export * from "./ErrorBoundary";
export * from "./ErrorBoundaryContext";
export * from "./useErrorBoundary";
export * from "./withErrorBoundary";
// TypeScript types
export * from "./types";

But something (ParcelJS bundler?) is moving it to nearly the bottom of the bundled file.

Basically I need to solve this problem:
Screen Shot 2023-05-27 at 12 05 43 PM

I could add a post-processing step, but I think this would break source maps. I'm not sure how to hook into Parcel's build cycle to do this, and I don't see any related issues on GitHub.

Suggestions welcome!

Filed parcel-bundler/parcel#9050 asking for direction.

Let's see if 82dc8cd helps for now. Hopefully someone will weigh in on the Parcel issue with a better approach.

Published as 4.0.5

Note that 4.0.7 has a better solution in place for this.